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„think.steel“ is a new publication launched to accompany the industry’s transition to zero-emission steelmaking. The magazine and its experienced team is in close touch with the major players in this game: technology suppliers, steelmaking companies, mill managers, research institutions, regional international associations, etc. – Many of them established, with a long-standing tradition - others newcomers with new approaches in a period of big change.

Dr. Günter Schweitzer, Chief Operations Officer Schmitz Cargobull AG (left), and Lars Baumgürtel, Managing Partner ZINQ GmbH & Co. KG, are further expanding the partnership that has existed for almost 25 years. (Picture credits: Schmitz Cargobull AG)

thyssenkrupp Materials Processing Europe invests millions in Stuttgart site. The picture shows the new construction of an additional finished material warehouse for slit strip on the 25,000 square meter site at Stuttgart harbor. (Source: thyssenkrupp)

new method for steel recycling

CFO of thyssenkrupp Dr. Jens Schulte (source: thyssenkrupp)

Vallourec provides benchmark tubular solutions for the energy sectors and for other applications (source: Vallourec)

Schirmherr Professor Klaus Krüger bei der Eröffnung des EEC (Quelle: Stahlinstitut VDEh/Gellinek)

adphos aLITE® (source: adphos)

Region specific business outlook (source: Kloeckner & Co SE)

thyssenkrupp Quarter Essen (source: thyssenkrupp)

Worker at Hydro's primary aluminium plant in Årdal, Norway Inside electrolysis line Å2

Primetals Technologies will upgrade Acciaieria Arvedi’s VD plant


India Steel

The collaborative implementation of 5G smart sensor solutions at Lech-Stahlwerke’s SBQ mill is an innovative example of effective product monitoring and asset maintenance practices

Gerdau Ouro Branco steel plant

thyssenkrupp Steel: View of the construction site in Duisburg-Bruckhausen

Blastr Green Steel Project

Logo Science Based Targets Initiative SBTi

SMS group trainees


Green Steel Seminar India

Zore, L., Decarbonisation Options for the Aluminium Industry, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2024, doi:10.2760/880, JRC136525

SSAB and Wibe Group

new method for steel recycling

Hydro CEO Eivind Kallevik and Mark Dooley, Global Head of Green Investments at Macquarie Asset Management

Logo Science Based Targets Initiative SBTi

On the 11th June, a groundbreaking ceremony for the new traction motor core plant (PI-PEM: Posco International Poland e-Mobility) was held in Brzeg, Opole Voivodeship, Poland.

Sustainable Packaging: WestWood® Switches to bluemint® Tinplate

James Firth, Managing Director, Firth Steels Limited and Dave Williams, Managing Director, SSAB Swedish Steel Ltd

thyssenkrupp Materials Services UK

Engineers from Alberta University create alloy for high-temperature coating