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President and CEO Martin Lindqvist is leaving SSAB

After 26 years in the company and 13 years as President and CEO, Martin Lindqvist has decided to leave SSAB to further his board career. A recruitment process to find his replacement will start immediately.

von | 12.04.24

President and CEO, Martin Lindqvist, has decided to leave SSAB to further his board career, Foto: SSAB
Martin Lindquist

April 2024 | After 26 years in the company and 13 years as President and CEO, Martin Lindqvist has decided to leave SSAB to further his board career. A recruitment process to find his replacement will start immediately.

Martin Lindqvist has been employed at SSAB since 1998 and served as the company’s President and CEO since 2011. Under his leadership, SSAB completed the acquisition of Finnish company Rautaruukki. In 2016, work began to transform the steel industry to fossil-free production through HYBRIT, a joint venture between SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall. SSAB has since then taken a policy decision to transform the entire Nordic production system to fossil-free production. Last year, the transformation of the Oxelösund mill began and as recently as last week a decision was made to transform the steelwork in Luleå.

“During Martin’s time as CEO, SSAB has developed into a publicly traded company with global markets and a strong financial position. He has been fundamental in building the company that SSAB is today and in driving the transformation to fossil-free production. He is a very appreciated leader and CEO. I want to thank Martin for his efforts for the company and wish him the best of luck in his future assignments,” says SSAB Board Chairman Lennart Evrell.

“I’m very happy to have had the privilege to be part of this incredible journey together with many proud and skilled employees at SSAB. At some point, you have to step down and for me that time has come. In the future, I will spend more time on board assignments and advisory roles,” says Martin Lindqvist.

Martin Lindqvist has six months’ notice, but has agreed to stay until a successor is in place. A recruitment process to find his successor will start immediately.

About SSAB

SSAB is a Nordic and US-based steel company. It has has developed SSAB Fossil-free™ steel and SSAB Zero™, a largely carbon emission-free steel based on recycled steel. With employees in over 50 countries and production facilities in Sweden, Finland and the US., SSAB is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and has a secondary listing on Nasdaq Helsinki. More information:


(Source: SSAB/2024)

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