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Innovations that will transform the tube and wire industry

he SMS group puts sustainability, digitalisation and innovative strength at the heart of its trade fair presence at wire & Tube 2024. The focus is particularly on the influence of energy transport and hydrogen on market development.

von | 18.04.24

SMS group Partner talks at wire & Tube 2024, ©SMS group
©SMS group
SMS group Partner talks at wire & Tube 2024

April 2024 | The SMS group puts sustainability, digitalisation and innovative strength at the heart of its trade fair presence at wire & Tube 2024. The focus is particularly on the influence of energy transport and hydrogen on market development.

Thomas Maßmann, Executive Vice President Long Products at SMS group, emphasises the importance of this trade fair for the current changes in the tube and wire industry, which are increasingly focusing on innovations to increase productivity and sustainability.

“The exchange between companies about the production of large pipes, monitoring production quality and the use of hydrogen are important topics that I would like to discuss with customers and partners and look forward to a lively exchange,” says Thomas Maßmann.

SMS focuses on current topics such as decarbonization, digitalization, sustainability and livecycle partnerships to redefine the role of the plant manufacturer beyond traditional boundaries.

Innovations and sustainability

SMS develops innovative solutions to minimize losses when transporting highly volatile hydrogen or natural gas because there is an urgent need for tight, non-porous pipes and containers. At wire and Tube, SMS also offers insights into sustainable reinforcing steel minimills through to the world’s largest ERW pipe welding system. The presentation of the largest ERW-welded pipe of its kind is real proof of SMS’s commitment to pushing the technological boundaries of the industry.

“This exhibit symbolises SMS group’s commitment to innovation and continuous development,” adds Thomas Maßmann.

The new autonomous measuring system for premium threads will also be on display at the trade fair. These advances underscore SMS’s focus on innovation.

“We are at a critical point in the steel industry where the focus on sustainable and efficient production methods has never been as important as it is today,” says Thomas Maßmann.

Leading partner talks and shared success

An important part of SMS’s trade fair appearance are the “Leading Partner Talks”, which are offered at the SMS trade fair stand. They offer participants insights into technologies, collaborations and projects directly from the perspective of customers and industry experts.

For an overview of the lecture dates and details of the topics and speakers, please visit:


(Source: SMS group/2024)

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