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Eivind Kallevik appointed CEO of Hydro

Eivind Kallevik has been appointed President and CEO of Norwegian aluminium and renewable energy company Norsk Hydro ASA. Kallevik succeeds Hilde Merete Aasheim, who has decided to step down after five years. The appointment will be effective May 13, 2024.

von | 20.03.24

Eivind Kallevik has been appointed President and CEO of Norwegian aluminium and renewable energy company Norsk Hydro ASA, ©Halvor Molland/Hydro
©Halvor Molland/Hydro
Norsk Hydro ASA, Eivind Kallevik

March 2024 | Eivind Kallevik has been appointed President and CEO of Norwegian aluminium and renewable energy company Norsk Hydro ASA. Kallevik succeeds Hilde Merete Aasheim, who has decided to step down after five years. The appointment will be effective May 13, 2024.

“I am pleased to announce that Eivind Kallevik has accepted the job as President and CEO of Hydro. Throughout his more than 30 years of experience from Norwegian and international finance and industry, Eivind has a strong track record of developing the business, capturing opportunities, and maneuvering the industrial landscape and markets. I am confident Eivind has what it takes to lead Hydro towards 2030 and beyond,” says Dag Mejdell, chairperson of Hydro’s Board of Directors.

Kallevik is currently Executive Vice President and Head of Hydro’s Aluminium Metal business area, a position he has held since 2019. From 2013 to 2019 he held the position as CFO in Hydro. Prior to this, Kallevik held several senior management positions in Hydro, including the Bauxite & Alumina business area and the downstream aluminium business.

He comments: “I am excited to take the next step for Hydro together with our 32,000 competent and engaged employees, with our strategic direction towards 2030 as a strong foundation. Our low-carbon efforts throughout our value chain are placing Hydro in a leading position in the green transition and providing a platform to accelerate our strategic partnerships. Strong control of our cost position and continuous improvement efforts will remain the backbone of Hydro’s operations, combined with our unique capabilities to develop innovative technologies and commercial opportunities.”

Hilde Merete Aasheim has been working in Hydro for 17 years and will leave the company end of June, 2024.

“Hilde Merete Aasheim has led the company through a period where we have seen significant changes in the world around us. She has demonstrated a strong ability to manage short-term challenges, while positioning the company for long-term opportunities together with the rest of the organization. During her tenure, Hydro has strengthened profitability and significantly lifted the sustainability agenda,” says Mejdell.


(Source: Hydro/2024)

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