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The Salzgitter Group at the Tube

The Salzgitter Group will be exhibiting at Tube 2024 with Mannesmann H2Ready products, among others. The tubes are certified for the transport and storage of hydrogen and support the switch to hydrogen as the energy source of the future.

von | 15.04.24

The Salzgitter Group will be exhibiting at Tube 2024 with Mannesmann H2Ready products, among others, ©Salzgitter AG
©Salzgitter AG
Der Salzgitter Konzern präsentiert sich auf der Tube 2024 u.a. mit Mannesmann-H2Ready-Produkten

April 2024 | From 15 to 19 April, the international tube industry meets at Tube in Düsseldorf, the world’s leading trade fair for the tube industry. The Salzgitter Group has been one of the most important exhibitors here for many years. It will be presenting itself with its 500 square metres in Hall 4, booth H42.

Frank Seinsche, responsible for trade fairs at the Salzgitter Group, explains:

“Mannesmann is synonymous worldwide with high-quality steel tubes. Our products support the transition to sustainable solutions in many areas of application, whether in the emerging hydrogen infrastructure or in e-mobility. In addition to the manufacturing companies, Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel in particular will use the trade fair as an ideal platform for dialogue”.

Steel tubes for hydrogen infrastructure, e-mobility and CCS

Pipes bearing the “Mannesmann H2ready” label are certified for the transport and storage of hydrogen. They support the transition to hydrogen as the energy source of the future. Salzgitter companies have supplied large-diameter and line pipes for major infrastructure projects for the energy transition, including the South German natural gas pipeline, which will initially transport natural gas and, from 2030, hydrogen. Mannesmann can also offer sustainable solutions where the use of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies appears to be a viable option. In the automotive sector, the focus is on products for hydrogen and battery electric mobility.

In addition to sustainability, the industry is increasingly focusing on security of supply. The integration of large parts of the value chain within the Group makes a significant contribution to the crisis resistance of the Salzgitter tube mills. At the same time, it provides them with predictable access to low-emission steel from the Group’s own producers.

The Salzgitter Group is represented at Tube by the companies Mannesmann Precision Tubes GmbH, Mannesmann Line Pipe GmbH, Mannesmann Grossrohr GmbH and the tube bending plant of Salzgitter Mannesmann Grobblech GmbH. The Group’s own trading organisation, the Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel Gruppe, will also be present. Mannesmann Handel Gruppe is responsible for the worldwide distribution of products in addition to direct sales by the tube producers.

About Salzgitter AG

Salzgitter AG is one of Germany’s leading steel and technology companies with around 25,000 employees worldwide in 150 national and international subsidiaries and associated companies. The pioneer in recycling management is focussing on sustainable innovation and transformation in the business areas of steel production, steel processing, trading and technology. With a crude steel capacity of 7 million tonnes, the group generated external sales of around €12 billion in 2022.


(Source: Salzgitter AG/2024)

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