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Elotherm bietet Medienanalytik für Härteanlagen

SMS Elotherm hat im April 2015 das erste EloFresh Überwachungs- und Regelsystem für Kühl- und Abschreckanlagen von Härtemaschinen erfolgreich in Betrieb genommen. Durch EloFresh wird eine hohe Prozesssicherheit für den Härteprozess an sich, aber auch für die Induktionswerkzeuge erreicht.

Shift in Management at SMS Elotherm North America

Shift in Management at SMS Elotherm North America

Effective April 1st, 2015 Mr. Valmir Tadeu Marchiori has been announced President and CEO of Tech Induction, the North American subsidiary of SMS Elotherm GmbH since 2012. Mr. Darren Martens, who has founded the company more than 25 years ago and acted as president till now, will continue to support Tech Induction’s business as a consultant.

Modular vacuum system minimizes system downtime

Innovations in vacuum technology deliver an important contribution to productivity in heat treatment and furnace construction as well as in secondary metallurgy. Modern systems fulfil a number of requirements in order to save energy during the production of high-quality steel and to reliably guarantee the required vacuum level. The specially-designed vacuum systems from Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum are presented at METEC / THERMPROCESS in Düsseldorf from 16 – 20 June.