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Wuppermann invests around €40 million in new pipe mill at Altmünster site

At its meeting on 30 June 2023 in Altmünster, the supervisory board of Wuppermann AG approved the investment in the expansion of the pipe mill at Wuppermann Metalltechnik GmbH (WMT). Pipes, pipe components and other parts have already been manufactured at this site for over 60 years. The planned total investment is around 40 million […]

Wuppermann Metalltechnik GmbH in Altmünster, Austria.
Foto: Wuppermann

At its meeting on 30 June 2023 in Altmünster, the supervisory board of Wuppermann AG approved the investment in the expansion of the pipe mill at Wuppermann Metalltechnik GmbH (WMT). Pipes, pipe components and other parts have already been manufactured at this site for over 60 years. The planned total investment is around 40 million euros.

“The Wuppermann family has always attached great importance to the long-term and sustainable development of the company. With this decision, we are taking a major technological development step in the area of pipes and profiles and enabling future growth and financial stability of the group of companies,” Dr. C.L. Theodor Wuppermann, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Wuppermann AG, explains the decision.

The plan is to build a new hall complex for two pipe welding lines and highly automated pre-material and finished goods warehouses. An adjacent plot of land, which has already been acquired in 2021, offers ideal spatial conditions to integrate the building harmoniously into the landscape. With the technological possibilities of the new pipe welding line, the extensive automation of the entire pipe production and logistics processes and the associated high productivity, WMT will be able to secure its future viability and accompany new developments on the market.

“We are pleased that the supervisory board has approved our investment project. This will create the most modern pipe mill in the Wuppermann Group at the Altmünster site, with a very high level of digitalisation and automation. The use of artificial intelligence will bring us advantages, particularly in the quality of our products, but also in the efficiency of our processes,” explains Johannes Nonn, Spokesman of the Executive Board of Wuppermann AG.


“With this greenfield project, we are taking the opportunity to include occupational safety aspects, work ergonomics, energy efficiency and sustainability from the outset and to design them in the best possible way. This will also make us even more attractive as an employer,” adds Georg Wildauer, Managing Director at WMT.

Once all the necessary permits have been granted, the earthworks are scheduled to begin in 2024. After completion of the building, the installation of a new pipe welding line will follow. The existing pipe welding line will remain in operation so that a seamless supply to customers is guaranteed. Production of the new pipe welding line will start in 2025, after which the existing line will also be relocated to the new hall complex to increase efficiency. The project is to be implemented by 2026.

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