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KUKA sells Automation Integration subdivision in Obernburg

KUKA has signed an agreement to sell its KUKA Industries Obernburg GmbH & Co. KG. The division, which integrates robot-based solutions, will go to Aretè Cocchi Technology and FAI Holding. KUKA Industries Obernburg The division KUKA Industries Obernburg GmbH & Co. KG focuses on highly customized automation solutions and special machines for welding, cutting, casting […]

Aretè Cocchi Technology and FAI Holding buys KUKA's Automation Integration subdivision in Obernburg.
KUKA / sg

KUKA has signed an agreement to sell its KUKA Industries Obernburg GmbH & Co. KG. The division, which integrates robot-based solutions, will go to Aretè Cocchi Technology and FAI Holding.

KUKA Industries Obernburg

The division KUKA Industries Obernburg GmbH & Co. KG focuses on highly customized automation solutions and special machines for welding, cutting, casting and laser processing, as well as for automation in the packaging, food and supplier industries. KUKA acquired the division from Reis Robotics in 2013 and renamed it KUKA Industries GmbH & Co. KG.

The buyer is a combination of Italian technology company CT Pack, part of the Aretè Cocchi Technology Group (ACT) based in Italy, and FAI Holding AG (FAI), a Swiss-based investment company specialising in re-launching historic brands in technology and automation.

“With this acquisition, we will strengthen our packaging, automation and robotics business,” says Gino Cocchi, Chairman of ACT. “We see great potential in the robotics integration know-how of KUKA Industries Obernburg for markets that complement our existing activities. We plan to expand the business with the support of our international network in Europe, America and Asia.”

Luigi Maniglio, Senior Partner at FAI, added: “We are proud to have supported the closing of such an important industrial transaction. We have developed a long-term relaunch plan for KUKA Industries Obernburg, starting with the reintroduction of the former traditional brand ‘Reis Robotics’ and products such as the ‘RobotStar’ controller. We are looking forward to the unique combination with Aretè Cocchi Technologies, a top Italian company for technology and automation. Reis Robotics is back and will once again become a reference in the industry.”

In 2014, Kuka AG acquired Reis Robotics, with which it had already had a close cooperation for some time. After an initial 51% of the company shares went to KUKA, KUKA took over the remaining shares in 2016 and became the sole owner. Reis GmbH & Co KG Maschinenfabrik (Reis Robotics) was founded by Walter Reis in 1957. The site in Obernburg, Bavaria, was the main location of the formerly independent family-owned company.

“The focus of the new owners fits the business model better and offers a unique strategic perspective for KUKA Industries Obernburg and its employees. This includes more independent sales structures and higher visibility in the market,” says KUKA CEO Peter Mohnen.

The parties have agreed not to disclose the terms of the transaction.

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