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ArcelorMittal launches social media campaign

ArcelorMittal is highlighting the topic of training with its #SteelWeek social media campaign. The company, which has a total of 34 sites in Germany, four large production plants in Bremen, Duisburg, Eisenhüttenstadt and Hamburg and 9100 employees, provides training in both the industrial and technical fields as well as in the commercial sector. #SteelWeek The […]

Aerial view of ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt GmbH.
Foto: ArcelorMittal

ArcelorMittal is highlighting the topic of training with its #SteelWeek social media campaign. The company, which has a total of 34 sites in Germany, four large production plants in Bremen, Duisburg, Eisenhüttenstadt and Hamburg and 9100 employees, provides training in both the industrial and technical fields as well as in the commercial sector.


The aim of the #SteelWeek campaign is, on the one hand, to create awareness for an apprenticeship in the steel industry/at ArcelorMittal and, on the other hand, to highlight the value of an apprenticeship. The steel industry offers great professional diversity. There are numerous opportunities to find the right job depending on your interests and skills, to gain practical experience and to orientate yourself.


The apprenticeship is not a one-way street. Many employees have continued their education after the apprenticeship and have embarked on a remarkable career – sometimes within the group. For example, Steffen Lüdemann, the former trainee as a maintenance mechanic, is now managing director of finishing in Eisenhüttenstadt.

Nikolai Klein started as an industrial clerk at ArcelorMittal Bremen and is now Line Manager of Human Resources Management. “Especially on the way to sustainable steel production, we offer diverse jobs that we develop together. This is a great opportunity for young people to get involved, learn and drive the company forward.”

There’s no such thing as can’t – lateral entrants also get their chance at ArcelorMittel. Tammo Frerk Haarhuis is a trained drywall fitter with a bachelor’s degree in social work. He is currently training to become a process technologist at ArcelorMittal Hamburg.

“Steel is a material that is always needed, so I find my job very fulfilling,” he says. Indeed, steel is an indispensable part of many industries, including automotive, construction and engineering.

A wide range of opportunities

Deniz Arabaci has made a name for herself as the first ever shift foreman at the Bottrop coking plant. After graduating from high school and training as a chemical worker, the young mother completed her industrial foreman’s certificate in chemistry – she was supported by the company in her further training during the three-shift operation. Studying or continuing education alongside one’s job – the possibilities are manifold.

Attractive remuneration, a secure job, professional diversity, individual development opportunities (also internationally) and above all an exciting environment round off the benefits. Above all, being involved in the transformation towards climate-neutral steel production and making one’s contribution to sustainability is a driving force for many.

“I can help advance important goals, for example when it comes to the production of green steel or other sustainability projects,” says Thorben Bahr, a former apprentice and now a foreman in the refractories department at the ArcelorMittal Hamburg steelworks, citing an important motivation for his job.


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