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Solnet Group Powers SSAB’s Italian Facility with Sustainable Solar Project

Solnet Group successfully completed a solar energy system for SSAB Swedish Steel facility in Italy. This project combines Solnet's solar energy with a sustainable GreenCoat® color coated steel roof, which was supplied by Ruukki Construction, a division of the SSAB Group.

von | 14.02.24

Solar energy company Solnet Group successfully installed a PV solution for SSAB Swedish Steel S.p.A. in Italy.s
Steel company SSAB switches to fossil-free energy in Italy with PV solution from Solnet

14 February 2024 | Solar energy company Solnet Group installed a PV solution for SSAB Swedish Steel S.p.A. in Italy.

Solnet Group, a solar energy enterprise with operations across Europe, successfully completed a solar energy system for SSAB Swedish Steel facility in Italy. This project combines Solnet’s solar energy with a sustainable GreenCoat® color coated steel roof, which was supplied by Ruukki Construction, a division of the SSAB Group. GreenCoat® color-coated steels use Swedish rapeseed oil in the coating, a patented solution by SSAB that minimizes the ecological impact.

The SSAB Steel Service Center in Ghedi, Italy manufactures cut-to-length steel from well-known SSAB brands such as SSAB Laser, Strenx, SSAB Domex, and SSAB Boron. With an annual processing capacity of 80,000 tons, all production activities at this facility are now powered solely by fossil-free energy.

“We are happy to be able to reach our sustainability targets with the help of solar energy. We will consume roughly 50% of the solar energy provided by the solar system for our Ghedi steel service center production, office building, and the charging of our electric vehicles. The rest will be sold back to the grid”, says Julia Seeber, Managing Director, SSAB Swedish Steel S.p.A.

Towards Sustainability with a 756 kWp Solar Installation

Solnet Group is a provider of smart solar solutions for corporate customers in Europe. The company has taken care of planning SSAB’s solar plant project and installation of solar panels on the roof of the property. The system size is 756 kWp and the annual estimated energy output is 830 MWh.

“We are pleased to participate in SSAB’s fossil-free transition. Onsite solar is a great element for SSAB to reach their sustainability targets”, says Kaj Kangasmäki, CEO of Solnet Group.

Taking solar energy into use will result in the complete operation of the SSAB Ghedi Steel Service Center using fossil-free energy, aligning with SSAB‘s broader commitment to sustainability. The company aims to largely eliminate carbon dioxide emissions from its operations by around 2030.

About Solnet Group

Since its establishment in 2014, Solnet Group has rapidly expanded, achieving notable recognition such as ranking on the Financial Times’ FT1000 list of Europe’s fastest-growing companies in 2020 and receiving the WWF Climate Solver award in 2016. The company offers a broad spectrum of services, including consulting, design, installation, project financing, and maintenance of solar systems, catering to a diverse clientele including investment funds, retailers, manufacturers, and logistics companies. More information on


(Source: Solnet/2024)

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