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Pioneer in climate protection: SHS Group makes it onto CDP’s A-List

February 2024 | The SHS Group (SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar, Saarstahl and Dillinger) was recognized by the environmental protection organization CDP for its commitment to climate protection – and rewarded with a place on the globally coveted and recognized “A-List”. The annual list includes companies that achieve top marks in terms of transparency and climate action, […]

von | 12.02.24

The SHS Group was recognized by the environmental protection organization CDP for its commitment to climate protection
© Saarstahl

February 2024 | The SHS Group (SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar, Saarstahl and Dillinger) was recognized by the environmental protection organization CDP for its commitment to climate protection – and rewarded with a place on the globally coveted and recognized “A-List”. The annual list includes companies that achieve top marks in terms of transparency and climate action, based on the data provided in the CDP questionnaires. This year, over 21,000 companies competed in the non-profit organization’s ranking.

“We are pleased about this award, which reflects the pioneering role of the Saarland steel industry in decarbonization. Sustainability and climate protection are not an afterthought for us, they determine our entire actions: With “Power4Steel”, we are in a transformation project with the ambitious goal of only producing “green” – climate-neutral – steel by 2045. This means a comprehensive restructuring of our production, but also securing the future in several respects: added value for our customers, securing our competitiveness and a giant step for climate protection,” says Stefan Rauber, Chairman of the Management Board of SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar and Chairman of the Board Stock company of Dillinger Hüttenwerke and Saarstahl AG.

Carbon Disclosure Project

The aim of CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) is to create the greatest possible transparency of environmental data from companies, organizations or cities. For this purpose, CDP collects the data and information provided on a voluntary basis and now manages the world’s largest climate protection database. In addition to initiatives related to emissions reductions and a company’s climate strategy, categories such as business and financial planning related to climate protection, responsibility in the supply chain, governance or energy savings are also evaluated.

After the SHS Group with Dillinger and Saarstahl were able to achieve leadership status with an A ranking last year, this time the companies achieved the top grade A and are therefore on the A-list for the first time.


(Source: SHS Group/2024)

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