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EFD Induction has received a contract from Voith Hydro AB for the supply of 12 induction coils.The coils will be used for induction brazing applications during the construction of a new hydropower dam.
EFD Induction has received a contract from Voith Hydro AB for the supply of 12 induction coils.The coils will be used for induction brazing applications during the construction of a new hydropower dam.

Induction coils, also known as ‘inductors’, are essential to the induction brazing process. Coils can come in many different shapes and sizes. Coils are workpiece specific, meaning each coil is customized and shaped to work with a specific workpiece or narrow range of workpieces.

"Correctly designed and built induction coil solutions are absolutely critical for successful, cost-effective induction heating" says Kristian Berggren, Managing Director of EFD Induction Sweden. “Voith Hydro AB will get the most out of their EFD Induction Minac equipment by having coils that are customized to their specific needs and conditions. But even customers who use non-EFD Induction power sources will benefit enormously by using our expertise to build new, more efficient coils. We can also re-condition existing coils to improve their working life.”

Source: EFD Induction

EFD Induction lands induction coil order from Voith Hydro AB

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Autor: Redaktion

Datum: 16. Feb. 2015

EFD Induction has received a contract from Voith Hydro AB for the supply of 12 induction coils.The coils will be used for induction brazing applications during the construction of a new hydropower dam.
Induction coils, also known as ‘inductors’, are essential to the induction brazing process. Coils can come in many different shapes and sizes. Coils are workpiece specific, meaning each coil is customized and shaped to work with a specific workpiece or narrow range of workpieces.
“Correctly designed and built induction coil solutions are absolutely critical for successful, cost-effective induction heating” says Kristian Berggren, Managing Director of EFD Induction Sweden. “Voith Hydro AB will get the most out of their EFD Induction Minac equipment by having coils that are customized to their specific needs and conditions. But even customers who use non-EFD Induction power sources will benefit enormously by using our expertise to build new, more efficient coils. We can also re-condition existing coils to improve their working life.”
Source: EFD Induction