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ABB Strengthens Partnership with Volvo Cars

ABB, a supplier of technology for electrification and automation, has announced a collaboration with Volvo Cars to provide over 1,300 robots for the production of electric vehicles.

von | 05.01.24

ABB Robots in car production, Volvo, Daqing, China

January 2024 | ABB, a supplier of technology for electrification and automation, has announced an enhanced collaboration with Volvo Cars to provide over 1,300 robots and functional packages for the production of the next generation of electric vehicles. This strategic alliance aims to support Volvo Cars in achieving its sustainability goals.

The deployment, set to commence in 2024 at Volvo Cars’ production sites in Torslanda (Sweden) and Daqing (China), includes ABB’s new family of energy-efficient large robots and OmniCoreTM controllers. These innovations are expected to contribute to energy savings of up to 20 percent, aligning with the global shift towards more sustainable manufacturing practices.

Marc Segura, ABB Robotics President, highlighted the significance of this partnership in response to the automotive industry’s evolving landscape driven by the growing demand for electric vehicles and a collective commitment to sustainability. He emphasized that ABB’s advanced robotic solutions will play a pivotal role in creating more energy-efficient manufacturing processes.

“This latest commitment from our partner Volvo Cars demonstrates our shared focus of delivering more sustainable manufacturing. Through our new, energy efficient large robot family and OmniCoreTM controllers we will help to deliver energy savings of up to 20 percent at sites around the world.”

The collaboration encompasses functional packages designed for various production tasks, such as spot-welding, riveting, dispensing, flow drilling, and ultrasonic weld inspection. These packages, comprising ready-to-use combinations of hardware, software, and services, will be implemented at Volvo Cars’ facilities, optimizing efficiency and performance.

ABB’s OmniCore robot controllers, renowned for their efficient power electronics and regenerative braking capabilities, are expected to contribute to substantial energy savings at production sites.

To ensure uninterrupted production, ABB will leverage its RobotStudio® planning and programming software platform. This tool allows for the visualization and optimization of robot deployment before installation, ensuring a seamless integration of automation systems.

Volvo Cars and ABB have a longstanding history of joint developments focused on enhancing the efficiency of car production and advancing the capabilities of industrial robots. The latest initiative is part of ABB’s commitment to providing solutions that assist the automotive industry in meeting ambitious sustainability targets and transitioning to electric vehicle production.

The collaboration is anticipated to continue over the next few years, with initial robot deployments expected in early 2024. ABB’s comprehensive efforts in the automotive sector can be explored further at


(Source: ABB/2024)

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