Abstracts will be selected by the Organizing Committee and Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by the 20th of June 2014. If accepted they will then be invited to proceed with the preparation of their draft papers which will be subject to review by eminent Referees prior to incorporation in the Conference Programme.
The main objective of the Conference is to provide an improved up-to-date understanding of the fundamentals, principles and practices associated with the design and operation of industrial furnaces and boilers and, in a broader view, of industrial systems and processes generating, transforming or using thermal energy from combustion. The Conference will be a means of disseminating information concerned with recent research and development activities in the field of furnace and boiler technology and related areas such as process and combustion control, efficiency optimisation of high-temperature energy application, and reduction of pollutant emissions. It is intended that waste incineration, biomass and oxy-fuel combustion will all feature heavily in the Conference Programme as well as more conventional aspects of combustion. The Conference will provide a forum for delegates involved in research, development, design and operation of furnace and boiler systems, and will also be of interest to those working in areas such as combustion science, fuel technology, energy management and air pollution control.
Each session of the Conference Programme will commence with at least one Keynote Paper which will be delivered by an invited internationally recognised authority. All other papers will be refereed prior to final acceptance. As in the previous Conferences it is intended that these papers will cover a wide range of appropriate technical topics and will feature recent research and development as well as dealing with practical applications of current technologies. The allocation of papers to sessions will be undertaken by the Organizing Committee in cooperation with the panel of referees.
For further information and/or submission of paperps please visit: www.cenertec.pt/infub/