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New preheater for environmentally friendly metal processing

The specialist for melting and heat treatment systems, Otto Junker, has presented its latest furnace system. EcoJet is a preheating oven for the emission-free preheating of bars and billets, which, according to the manufacturer, has an efficiency of over 95%.

von | 24.11.23

New environmentally friendly furnace solution: the EcoJet preheater
©Otto Junker

24 November 2023 | Otto Junker GmbH is launching the EcoJet preheating furnace, a new, environmentally friendly furnace system. In combination with the JuDy induction furnace, it is designed to support sustainable and cost-efficient metal processing.

Otto Junker, the specialist for melting and heat treatment systems, has presented its latest furnace system. EcoJet is a preheating furnace for the emission-free preheating of bars and billets, which, according to the manufacturer, has an efficiency of over 95%.

In line with the requirement for a faster heating process, the in-house development is based on the principle of resistance and convection heating. The temperature is monitored using thermocouples, which enable precise temperature control.

Environmentally friendly and economical oven team

The well-established JuDy (JunkerDynamicHeater®) induction furnace was designed to generate a precise temperature curve in the billet. A trough conveyor system protect the billet surface from scratches and scoring during transport.

To reduce energy consumption, it is equipped with a ceramic melting protection tube. The efficiency of JuDy is approx. 58 %. Frequency converters and coils are manufactured in-house by Otto Junker and are extensively tested and adjusted before delivery.

JuDy can be operated in parallel or in line with electrically heated preheating ovens or as a stand-alone solution. The furnace specialist recommends combining its EcoJet preheater with the induction-heated JuDy furnace. In this way, the preheating of bars and bolts as well as the heating are carried out without the use of fossil fuels.

Induction Billet Heater JuDy – JunkerDynamicHeater®

Induction Billet Heater JuDy – JunkerDynamicHeater®

Flexible application

With the EcoJet and JuDy furnace combination, Otto Junker is targeting the metal processing and foundry sector as well as renewable energy and automotive industries. In the production of aluminium and copper in particular, resource-saving production processes that offer the opportunity to optimise energy consumption are of fundamental importance. The same requirements apply to the production of components for solar energy and wind turbines or the manufacture of vehicle components.

“With almost 100 years of experience in the design and manufacture of industrial ovens, we have developed these products to fulfil the increasing demands of our customers. Our innovative strength and the high efficiency of these furnaces are the result of our efforts over the course of several decades”, says Stefan Krieger, Sales Engineer at Otto Junker.

Further information:

Stefan Krieger, Service – Gießereianlagen / Bolzenerwärmungsanlagen

Stefan Krieger, Service – Foundry Plants / Billet Heater

(Quelle: Otto Junker/2023)

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