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Hydro Circal’s Sustainable Impact

Hydro can now deliver Hydro Circal recycled aluminium with a documented carbon footprint of 1.9 kg of CO2e/kg aluminium.

von | 10.01.24

Pushing the boundaries for low-carbon aluminium with Hydro Circal

January 10, 2024 | Hydro has announced that it has significantly improved the footprint of its Hydro Circal. The recycled aluminium now achieves a documented carbon footprint of 1.9 kg CO2e/kg, compared to 2.3 kg CO2e/kg in the past. This is achieved through advances in the sourcing, sorting and traceability of post-consumer aluminium scrap.

Originally introduced in 2019, Hydro CIRCAL stands out as a high quality recycled aluminum, produced with a minimum of 75 percent recycled post-consumer scrap. The product is independently certified by DNV, a trusted third party. Production is currently carried out at Hydro’s facilities in Clervaux, Luxembourg, Azuqueca, Spain, and Wrexham, UK, along with three recyclers in the U.S. The recently updated Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) now covers European recyclers, confirming an average embodied footprint of 1.9 kg of CO2e/kg of aluminum.

Ingrid Guddal, Head of Recycling in Hydro Aluminium Metal, expresses pride in Hydro’s commitment to low-carbon aluminum, stating,

“Hydro has been pushing the boundaries for low-carbon aluminium with Hydro CIRCAL. We are very proud to deliver a brand with a market leading footprint across the value chain from scrap to final product. In a fairly short time, Hydro CIRCAL has become a key part of our product portfolio. With the new EPD, we continue to deliver aluminium with a carbon footprint that will enable our most forward leaning and demanding customers to deliver on their climate targets.”

Hydro Circal is part of Hydro’s range of quality low-carbon aluminium. Hydro offers this type of products to selected strategic partners, such as Hydro Reduxa 3.0, which is key for the partnership with Mercedes-Benz.

“In early 2023, we also delivered the first near-zero carbon footprint aluminium for the European building and construction market based on Hydro Circal, with 100 percent post-consumer scrap content,” says Guddal.

With an extensive recycling network comprising 30 facilities across Europe, North America, and Brazil, Hydro strategically positions itself to meet the rising demand for low-carbon, recycled products. The company’s growth ambitions underscore its commitment to recycling as a central strategy, focusing on increased use of post-consumer scrap. Hydro aims to collaborate with customers to diversify the portfolio of cast house products, unlocking the potential for a more circular economy.


(Source: Hydro/2024)

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