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wire & Tube 2024: PWM to launch new cold welder at wire 2024

wire & Tube 2024: British company PWM, which celebrates 40 years of service to the wire and cable industry in 2024, launches a new cold welding machine at wire 2024 (stand 9B41).

von | 15.04.24

British company PWM, which celebrates 40 years of service to the wire and cable industry in 2024, launches a new cold welding machine at wire 2024 (stand 9B41)
PWM to launch new cold welder at wire 2024

April 15, 2023 | British company PWM, which celebrates 40 years of service to the wire and cable industry in 2024, launches a new cold welding machine at wire 2024 (stand 9B41). The company’s full range of products, including the P1500 cold welder for rod up to 30mm, is on show.

The new TR45 cold welder is designed specifically for non-ferrous trapezoidal wire used in the build-up of sub-sea cables. The machine has a footprint of 750 x 610 mm and is mobile, so can be moved easily to the work area. Powered by an advanced air/hydraulic system, the TR45 will weld trapezoidal material up to 45 mm².

PWM’s P1500 machine offers wire and cable manufacturers a quick and cost-effective way to weld large nonferrous rod. The machine is extremely energy efficient since it is driven by three hydraulic pumps and only requires electrical power for the 11 kW pump motor. Clean, quiet and user-friendly, the P1500 produces reliable permanent welds stronger than the parent material, helping manufacturers reduce operating costs, save resources and minimise waste.

The best-selling EP500 pneumatic cold welder for rod 5 mm to 15 mm is equally energy efficient. It can be connected to a central air supply or a dedicated compressor and only needs electrical power for the operating system.

The full PWM range includes small, lightweight hand-held manual machines for fine wire up to 1.20 mm; manual and powered models that can be used on a workbench or supplied with a trolley for wire 0.30 mm to 6.50 mm, and large, freestanding rod welders for material up to 30 mm.

PWM’s products are designed and made in-house and tested throughout manufacture to ensure total accuracy. PWM manufactures industry standard dies and can produce custom-made dies for specific applications.

(Source: PWM/2024)


wire & Tube 2024, 15–19 April in Düsseldorf

More than 1,400 exhibitors present their innovations for a wide range of requirements from industry and trade at the No. 1 trade fair for the wire and cable industry. Meet global market leaders and trendsetters from the entire process chain – from raw materials to the latest machines for wire production and processing, fastening technology and spring production technology to finished end products and innovations from research. Meet at decision-maker level for new impulses, networking, professional small talk and big business.

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