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Temperature monitoring with fibre optic sensors

The latest generation OCP monitoring system: With the OCP temperature monitoring system, Otto Junker offers a new solution for the metal processing industry.

von | 04.03.24

The latest generation OCP monitoring system: With the OCP temperature monitoring system, Otto Junker offers a new solution for the metal processing industry, ©Otto Junker
©Otto Junker
Otto Junker Induktionstiegelofen

February 2024 | The latest generation OCP monitoring system: Otto Junker offers a new solution for the metal processing industry.

As a further development of the OCP system, Otto Junker GmbH now has the OCP+ in its programme. The OCP+ ensures complete temperature monitoring during the sintering process. This latest generation system uses fibre optic sensors and the Raman effect for temperature measurement and monitoring in induction melting furnaces.

The OCP (Optical Coil Protection) temperature monitoring system enables the precise determination of temperature fields in the crucible, regardless of the type and design of the lining.

The OCP+ extension opens up the opportunity to identify and contain safety risks in crucible monitoring at an early stage and offers optimised system availability with clearer visualisation of all processes. Proactive hazard analyses can therefore lead to greater safety and make the production process more efficient.

Example of a display showing a critical temperature distribution on the inside of the coil of an induction crucible

Example of a display showing a critical temperature distribution on the inside of the coil of an induction crucible


In addition to reliable early detection and documentation of emerging signs of wear and crucible damage (caverns, caking, etc.), the system offers an optimised and intuitive user interface. Thanks to the improved visualisation, operators have a clear overview at all times and can act with greater foresight.

Other special features of the OCP+

One measuring unit can monitor up to two ovens.

Customisable setting options for temperature warning functions and alarm signals (incl. LED status indicator) ensure fast response times.

The playback function makes it possible to track the development of crucible defects over time.

The installation of the system is independent of the crucible furnace manufacturer.

The sensor cable integrated in the permanent lining of the furnace simplifies crucible changes and reduces maintenance costs.

The OCP+ guarantees full temperature monitoring during the sintering process. Moisture can affect the functionality just as little as the melting of zinc-containing alloys or the addition of galvanised scrap. As the OCP+ is a laser-optical temperature measurement method, it also works perfectly in strong electromagnetic fields. The possible applications are therefore very versatile.


Further information

The contents of this press release are intended as basic information; specifications and technical data can be tailored to individual requirements and applications. For detailed information and advice, please contact the team of experts at Otto Junker GmbH.

Contact: Lukasz Borkowski,, T: +49 2473 601 327


(Source: Otto Junker GmbH/2024)

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