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Okuma at the GrindingHub: Maximum precision when grinding

March 14, 2024 | Powerful machine tools for high quality and productivity when grinding are the focus of Okuma Europe GmbH at the GrindingHub. From May 14th to 17th, 2024, the manufacturer of CNC machine tools will be showing live at Messe Stuttgart how the highest manufacturing standards can be met with the GP25W grinding […]

von | 13.03.24

Okuma Europe GmbH at GrindingHub 2024
© Okuma

March 14, 2024 | Powerful machine tools for high quality and productivity when grinding are the focus of Okuma Europe GmbH at the GrindingHub. From May 14th to 17th, 2024, the manufacturer of CNC machine tools will be showing live at Messe Stuttgart how the highest manufacturing standards can be met with the GP25W grinding machine and the MULTUS U3000 turning/milling center with grinding kit.

GP25W: Grinding work for small workpieces

The compact grinding machine GP25W is ideal for the precision machining of small parts, such as those used in vehicles or household appliances. For a high level of user-friendliness and work efficiency, the machine was equipped with Okuma’s own OSP-P300 control: This means that the grinding machine can be optimally handled even by inexperienced users. The easy loading of new programs and machine settings via QR code also contributes to this. In addition, the automated movement of the machine components and the direct calibration of different diameters increase productivity.

Live demonstrations at the grinding technology industry meeting.

Interested trade visitors can experience the advantages and areas of application of the two machines during live machining at the GrindingHub at booth C31, Hall 10. Free ticket codes for visiting the trade fair are now available here. There you will also find additional information about Okuma’s trade fair appearance.


(Source: Okuma)

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