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ECM Group takes over Industrie Ofen Service GmbH

ECM Group, manufacturer of capital goods for the treatment and processing of materials, has announced the acquisition of the German company IOS - Industrie Ofen Service.

von | 19.02.24

ECM Group, manufacturer of goods for the treatment and processing of materials, has announced the acquisition of the German company IOS - Industrie Ofen Service.
©ECM Group
Industrieofen der ECM Group

February 2024 | ECM Group, manufacturer of capital goods for the treatment and processing of materials, has announced the acquisition of the German company IOS – Industrie Ofen Service.

With the acquisition of IOS, the French ECM Group strengthens its presence in Germany and Northern Europe as well as its service activities.

The medium-sized company IOS – Industrie Ofen Service is based in Arnsberg (Hochsauerlandkreis) and specialises in the maintenance of industrial furnaces for vacuum heat treatment. IOS currently employs around a dozen people and is mainly active in the German-speaking and Northern European markets. The company has extensive expertise, is a competent partner for its customers and focuses on rapid response and high quality.

“This acquisition will enable the ECM Group to consolidate its presence in Germany and strengthen its activities in the field of industrial furnace maintenance. This acquisition will also allow ECM Group to react faster by being closer to its German customers in order to serve them even better.” reads the company’s press release.

For IOS GmbH, joining the French group means that it can continue its growth and benefit from the support of a leading group in its market without losing its independence. IOS will continue to be led by Managing Director Timm Rüth and will be expanded in the medium term to include the products of ECM Technologies, the most important subsidiary of the Grenobler Group.

About ECM

The company was founded in 1950 in Grenoble, France, and originally specialised in the manufacture of welding systems. The acquisition of the furnace manufacturer Infrafours in 1984 marked its entry into the industrial furnace sector. Today, the group consists of the five separate units ECM Technologies, ECM Greentech, SEMCO Technologies, Annealsys and Carbon. It supplies the semiconductor, aerospace, renewable energy and automotive industries. The group is jointly managed by Laurent and Marlène Pelissier.

Further information can be found at,,
Feel free to contact Florian Giraudet,


(Source: ECM/2024)

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