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At approx. 525 °C the required material properties of the lightweight aluminium components are adjusted in line with the specific requirements of the product by precisely adjusting the air quenching unit to the component geometry and setting the rate of cooling via the air flow. The technology can be used both for structural components and for motor and chassis parts made of aluminium. (Source: Eisenmann SE)

Hot Shots: Heat treatment plant for solution annealing

Autor: Redaktion

Datum: 21. Nov. 2014

At approx. 525 °C the required material properties of the lightweight aluminium components are adjusted in line with the specific requirements of the product by precisely adjusting the air quenching unit to the component geometry and setting the rate of cooling via the air flow. The technology can be used both for structural components and for motor and chassis parts made of aluminium.
(Source: Eisenmann SE)