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Winning BLW GmbH becomes the first customer of Georgsmarienhütte GmbH to be supplied with 100% Green Power Steel

The precision forging company, Winning BLW GmbH, is now the first customer of Georgsmarienhütte GmbH to receive its entire steel supply as Green Power Steel. Green Power Steel is produced exclusively using green electricity at Georgsmarienhütte. This process reduces the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) of the steel by 37% (Scope 1-3), resulting in an average […]

von | 07.08.23

From left to right: Frank Agel (Member of the Board, Georgsmarienhütte GmbH), Vedran Biljaka (Vice President Purchasing, Winning Automotive), Christoph Guhe (CEO, Winning BLW Group), IL-Kyu Lee (Managing Director, Group CSO, GMH Group) and Sebastian Kling (Head of Sales, Rolled bars, GMH Group).
Foto: Winning BLW GmbH

The precision forging company, Winning BLW GmbH, is now the first customer of Georgsmarienhütte GmbH to receive its entire steel supply as Green Power Steel. Green Power Steel is produced exclusively using green electricity at Georgsmarienhütte. This process reduces the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) of the steel by 37% (Scope 1-3), resulting in an average of only 0.791 tons of CO2 equivalent per ton.

Since July, with each steel delivery from Georgsmarienhütte GmbH, Winning BLW GmbH also receives the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) stated in the accompanying certificate. This PCF is individually and precisely calculated. During the steel production process, more than 3,000 electronic measuring points autonomously capture over 7,000 different data points. The data collection is fully automated and subsequently assigned to individual orders. Based on the existing regulatory requirements, the average of the last production orders for the same material is calculated. This allows Winning BLW GmbH to receive their PCF from Georgsmarienhütte GmbH in a detailed and accurate manner. The data collection and calculation logic are validated by TÜV Süd and are based on the guidelines of ISO 14044, ISO 14067, and the Green House Gas Protocols (GHG).


(Source: Winning BLW GmbH)

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