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The Global Giant of the Steel Pipe Started a Brand New Age with the Renewed Brand ID

Borusan Group has terminated its partnership with Salzgitter Mannesmann GmbH, which has been partnering with since 1998.

von | 27.12.24

Thus, Borusan Mannesmann, the new name of Borusan Mannesmann, established as the first industrial enterprise of the Borusan Group and had majority shares for a long time, was Borusan Boru. The company took the name Borusan Pipe in the international arena. The company, which started its activities in Turkey in 1958 and has become the global giant of the steel pipe sector with more than 2,800 employees and more than 4,000 products and 11 facilities in 3 continents, will continue to bring together and investments of critical importance that are used in different sectors in this brand new period and facilitate every aspect of life with the whole world.

Borusan, one of Turkey’s leading groups, divided paths with Salzgitter Mannesmann GmbH, which has been partnering with for 25 years, increasing its total 77 per cent shareholder to 100 per cent within Borusan Mannesmann Boru Yatırım Holding A.Ş. With the completion of the transaction on the share transfer, which will not lead to any changes in the structure and management of the company, the company, which witnessed the development of the Turkish industry, has become a global producer based on Turkey and has gained its new brand identity. From now on, Borusan Boru in Turkey will produce in 11 facilities in 3 continents under the name of Borusan Pipe in the international arena and will deliver their products to all over the world. The company will continue to grow in the international arena with its investments in Turkey, as well as its strategy to become a local player in global markets. With the Romanian facility, which will start production in 2024, it will increase its claim in the field of automotive pipes, which it is a leader in the European market. The new pipeline, which will serve the construction, general industry and energy sectors in the US market, will be operational in the coming months.

(Source: Borusan Boru)


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