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Refratechnik and RATH form technology alliance

The two refractory manufacturers will cooperate in the development and production of refractory products for glass melting plants in the glass industry. 

von | 05.12.24

Andreas Pfneiszl (left), Speaker of the Executive Board, RATH Group, and Dr. Rainer Gaebel (right), Managing Director of Refratechnik Holding GmbH

Refratechnik and RATH – both renowned and internationally active refractory manufacturers – announced the launch of a long-term technology alliance. The goal of the ambitious partnership is close collaboration in the development and manufacture of refractory products for glass melting plants in the glass industry.

As part of the technology alliance, both companies will contribute their respective know-how in glass manufacturing and refractory production to combine it into a unique technology solution. The two companies will be operating under the name “R² – THE GLASS FURNACE ALLIANCE”. RATH will be the main point of contact for customers seeking the best mix of Refratechnik and RATH products for
glass melting furnaces. The alliance enables RATH to expand its technological expertise, as products manufactured by Refratechnik will be developed in close collaboration with the research and development departments of both companies. Refratechnik will contribute its production know-how, including newly developed formulations and high-precision tolerance ranges for end products. The glass industry will benefit from the technology alliance in several ways: It can now obtain the refractory solutions needed for each production step from a single source. For example, RATH can now offer a complete concept for regenerators, including magnesia and zircon  magnesia regenerator bricks, alumina wall bricks, and 1000 x 500 x 200 mm bottom blocks, etc. Another advantage of the new partnership is that thanks to flexible production capacities, availability can be tailored to customer requirements.

“I am pleased that with this technology alliance for the glass industry, we and Refratechnik have created a real alternative to existing mass manufacturers. Our two companies combine innovative strength and economic stability with uncompromising quality standards – and in future, this will be coupled with even more flexibility,”

says Andreas Pfneiszl, Speaker of the Executive Board, RATH Group.

“Refratechnik and RATH complement each other perfectly, and together we are bringing a breath of fresh air to the refractory industry. For the first time, two industry giants have joined forces to incorporate technology and industry know-how into a concept that is both proven and state-of-theart,”

says Rainer Gaebel, Managing Director of Refratechnik Holding. With this technology alliance, Refratechnik and RATH are forming a counterweight to established refractory suppliers.

“Our promise to the glass industry is to be a partner at eye level, who acts quickly, flexibly, individually and in a needs-oriented manner,”

Andreas Pfneiszl and Rainer Gaebel summarize.

(Source: RATH Group)

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