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Primetals modernises welding machine for Usiminas

Brazilian steel producer Usiminas has given Primetals Technologies provisional acceptance (PAC) for the modernisation of a welding machine at its steel plant in Ipatinga in south-eastern Brazil. The welding machine is part of the plant's recoiling line. It ensures that the strip is straightened to the desired quality.

von | 18.07.23

The commissioning team with representatives from Usiminas and Primetals Technologies on site at the steelworks in Ipatinga, Brazil

Brazilian steel producer Usiminas has given Primetals Technologies provisional acceptance (PAC) for the modernisation of a welding machine at its steel plant in Ipatinga in south-eastern Brazil. The welding machine is part of the plant’s recoiling line. It ensures that the strip is straightened to the desired quality.

Modernisation increases availability and functionality

Thanks to the new solution, the availability and the functional scope of the welding machine could be significantly increased. In addition, the position of the control system was changed so that maintenance work can be carried out more easily. The new system uses state-of-the-art software such as the TIA portal, which now enables Usiminas to process new types of materials.

Usiminas Project Manager Fernando Martins Soares: “Thanks to the new monitoring system from Primetals, the operations team is more flexible and has the possibility to enter new material classes into the material-specific parameter table. The previous system was already 20 years old and less flexible. For example, our workers had to perform numerous test runs for welding materials that were not included in the existing table.”

Engineering and implementation from a single source

The scope of supply includes the engineering and implementation of a new network system, including new human-machine interface and control systems. Key features of the new solution include a thyristor bridge control, a welding current control technology package, an electric drive for the welding carriage and a valve amplifier to control the pressure and positioning of the hydraulic and servo valves.


(Source: Primetals Technologies/2023)

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