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Business expansion – OTTO JUNKER SOLUTIONS

OTTO JUNKER GmbH, world leading system providers for metallurgic processes and metal refinement, wish to inform you about the new business division OTTO JUNKER Solutions

von | 06.01.25

Dr. Tobias Mertens, General Manager of OTTO JUNKER SOLUTIONS GmbH

This division was established in late 2023 and will be further expanded with the company focusing fully on the development and implementation of green technologies. Headed by Dr. Ing. Tobias Mertens, a renowned R&D expert, the division will develop and push forward innovative ideas in electrification and recycling. The target is to actively contribute to the global sustainability agenda and to significantly reduce environmental pollution. This step is of particular importance in 2024, OTTO JUNKER’s 100th anniversary year, and represents an important milestone. More information on the new business division is available both online and during events.

The establishment of OTTO JUNKER Solutions is a direct response to the growing demand for sustainable technologies and underlines the efforts of OTTO JUNKER GmbH to be leaders in the development of solutions for a more climate-friendly industry. The division will      focus on the electrification of process heat generation and the efficient recycling of batteries and metal products in order to realize the vision of emission-free production. This includes the modification of aluminium melting furnaces to induction heating, safe recycling processes for lithium-ion batteries (deactivation) and the efficient recycling of metal contaminated with organic products by means of pyrolysis.

By being located at the company’s Lammersdorf HQ, the division can take advantage of the existing infrastructure of the group which allows a quick realization of the projects to be approached. The company expects rapid growth with the target being to generate significant turnover by 2030, particularly by selling Power-to-Heat equipment. The establishment will not only diversify the portfolio of the OTTO JUNKER Group, but also create new jobs and seek expertise in all company departments. This underlines a future-oriented investment and signals a positive development of the location at Lammersdorf while providing an important contribution to the local and global economy.

Expertise, innovative strength and a strong commitment to environment and research put OTTO JUNKER Solutions in a unique position to bring about important changes and to provide a positive contribution in various branches of industry. In view of the transitional phase many production companies have to enter now, OTTO JUNKER Solutions are ideally placed to provide tailor-made solutions for individual requirements.

(Source: Otto Junker GmbH)

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