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Tokyo Steel orders offgas system from Tenova

With ten NextGen systems in North America showing very good system performance and quantifiable process improvements, Tokyo Steel Co., Ltd., Tahara Works in Tahara-shi, Aichi, Japan, has placed an order for one NextGen system for their DC EAF-Consteel. The NextGen sale represents the 8th offgas system and the first NextGen system to be supplied by Tenova in the Japanese steel market.

von | 30.11.17

Tenova’s proprietary NextGen system is a hybrid/extractive offgas technology system that delivers fast analytical response times and the most complete spectrum of process analysis (CO, CO2, O2 and H2). The NextGen sale was a result of joint collaboration by Tenova Goodfellow Inc. (TGI) and Sumitomo Shoji Machinex Corp. (SMX) to bring breakthrough technology to the Japanese steel industry.
The NextGen system will be installed on Tahara Works existing 420 t DC EAF furnace and the largest capacity Consteel in the world. The scope of supply includes proprietary NextGen system hardware, inclusive of two sampling stations, one central multi-point analyzer and Optical Velocity Measurement (OVM) for downstream analysis, a key component to understanding the carbon evolution.
Other project deliverables include a scrap tracking system, improved HMI displays and CFD modelling for the analysis of the EAF and preheat tunnel to determine mass flow in the EAF and Consteel, cold spots to enable Tenova to provide a full process optimization solution for the customer.
Commissioning of the system is expected to take place in the summer of 2018.
(Source: Tenova S.p.A.)

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2-strängiger Elektroseilzug von KULI Hebezeuge auf der LogiMAT
2-strängiger Elektroseilzug von KULI Hebezeuge auf der LogiMAT

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