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100 years of innovation: Otto Junker celebrates anniversary

Tradition and innovation in harmony: Otto Junker GmbH celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2024 - and is optimistic about the future.

von | 12.01.24

Otto Junker GmbH is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year.
'@Otto Junker|@zephylwer0/Pixabay|

January 12, 2024 | Tradition and innovation in harmony – Otto Junker GmbH celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2024. The renowned system supplier for metallurgical processes is looking to the future with optimism.

Otto Junker GmbH looks back on a successful 2023, in which it consolidated its position through new partnerships and business expansions. The company is focusing on technological progress, electrification and entering new markets such as recycling and energy supply. Experience, sustainability and a forward-looking approach characterise the company’s philosophy.

“Our primary goal is to drive technological progress to increase customer benefits in the foundry and semi-finished products industry, but not only in this industry,” says Erik Míček, CEO of Otto Junker GmbH.

The company can look back on a century of experience, technical progress and the highest quality standards. In 2024, Otto Junker will continue on its path of sustainability and transformation, especially following its clear positioning towards electrification in the planning of new plants and modernisations.

Successful year 2023

Otto Junker’s solutions for metallurgical processes were very well received at international trade fairs. The company forged strategic alliances by forming new partnerships to strengthen its innovative power. In November 2023, a significant expansion of the business took place with the founding of Otto Junker Solutions GmbH.

In addition, two practical seminars focusing on induction melting were successfully held, attended by over 60 experts from the aluminium, copper and cast iron industries.

For 2024 and beyond, Otto Junker aims to unlock new potential by entering new markets, including the recycling and energy supply industries. With its recycling and energy storage systems, the company also wants to support non-metal processing industries such as the food, beverage, glass, ceramics, cement, chemical and paper industries.

Anniversary: 100 years of Otto Junker

Otto Junker is delighted and proud to announce its 100th anniversary, which will be celebrated with several events in early autumn.

“Understand all problems without prejudice, find the solution through joint scientific and practical work and deliver the result to the customer in the form of quality products”, was the credo of the company founder, Dr.-Ing. h.c. Otto Junker. Erik Míček, Chairman of the Management Board. Sabine Höfer, CFO of Otto Junker GmbH, emphasise that the motto of the company founder still applies to all employees of the company today:

“By focusing on this motto, the technical conditions and challenges of the market can be managed, both yesterday and today. That’s why we look forward to every exchange of experience, every question and a constructive search for solutions with our business partners.”

More information:



(Source: Otto Junker/2024)


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