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Hyvolution Paris 2025

The world's leading hydrogen event will return to Paris from 28 to 30 January 2025. Launched in 2016, Hyvolution is undoubtedly the leading international event in the sector. Now in its 8th edition, this pioneering trade show is expected to attract more than 600 exhibitors and brands. For the third consecutive year, Hyvolution will be under the high patronage of Mr Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic. The renewed confidence of the French authorities is testimony to this international event, which brings together all the players in the decarbonised hydrogen ecosystem, from production to applications, including related services in the three key markets: mobility, energy and industry.

von | 07.11.24

©Nicolas Rodet - Hyvolution Paris 2024

The Only International Event Bringing Together All Stakeholders in the Sector

Hyvolution Paris covers the entire hydrogen value chain, reflecting the commitment of industry players to meet operational challenges. Hyvolution Paris 2025 is the only international event to bring together industrialists and project developers. This event’s uniqueness allows for project ecosystems. The need for hydrogen is as great as its applications, and Hyvolution Paris is the only event that facilitates the meeting of relevant parties. Hyvolution 2025 is the place where tomorrow’s projects are built. The event is focused on international collaboration and will confirm its role as a launch pad for commercial innovation and international information.

New for 2025

Hyvolution Conference will offer four key events addressing hydrogen challenges around the themes of Mobility, Industry, Financing, and Market Design.

Hyvolution Summit: The international gathering of political and economic leaders will return to discuss global political and economic strategies. Hyvolution Workshops: Over 130 presentations focused on projects and solutions in Europe and worldwide. These 20-minute sessions will cover the latest news, innovations, and announcements from exhibitors, partners, and regions, providing an exceptional overview of the sector.




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