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Trade fair for process and factory automation for the southwest economic region

MEORGA will be holding a trade fair for measurement and control technology, process control systems and automation technology on 13 September 2023 in the Friedrich Ebert Hall in Ludwigshafen. Here, around 160 specialist companies (including the market leaders in the sector) will show their range of products and services, equipment and systems, engineering and services […]

MEORGA MSR-Spezialmessen - The trade fair for process and factory automation "on your doorstep".

MEORGA will be holding a trade fair for measurement and control technology, process control systems and automation technology on 13 September 2023 in the Friedrich Ebert Hall in Ludwigshafen.

Here, around 160 specialist companies (including the market leaders in the sector) will show their range of products and services, equipment and systems, engineering and services as well as new trends in the field of automation. In addition, visitors can obtain comprehensive information about the current state of I&C technology in 36 practice-oriented lectures.

Free admission for technical discussions without time pressure

The respective regional contact persons are represented on the stands, who place the greatest value on solution-oriented technical discussions in a professional and service-oriented trade fair atmosphere. Not only are new customer contacts established, but existing ones are also cultivated.

The fair is aimed at experts and decision-makers who are responsible in their companies for optimising business and production processes along the entire value chain. Admission to the fair and participation in the expert lectures are free of charge for visitors and are intended to provide them with information and interesting discussions without hectic rush and time pressure.

The necessary visitor registration takes place via our website. Here, the visitor pass with QR code is then made available, which entitles the visitor to free admission.

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