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Voltfang wins in the Energy Storage and Distribution category with its green battery storage system 

Voltfang, a leading manufacturer of green battery storage systems for industrial, commercial and grid scale applications from Aachen, wins the German Sustainability Award 2025 in the Electrical Engineering & Electronics sector in the Energy Storage and Distribution category.

von | 18.12.24

Voltfang wins sustainability award with its green battery storage system (Source: Voltfang)
Voltfang wins sustainability award with its green battery storage system (Source: Voltfang)

Voltfang’s environmentally friendly battery storage system made from requalified batteries is used in particular by SMEs and industry to store surplus energy. Among other things, the technology offers companies the possibility of intelligent electricity use, peak load capping and intraday trading.

The Aachen-based company is making an important contribution to the energy transition thanks to the 2-nd-life approach of the battery storage systems and the resulting reduction in CO2 emissions. This year’s German Sustainability Award is presented together with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the WWF.
For David Oudsandji, founder and Managing Director of Voltfang, securing the supply of energy and raw materials in Europe is of central importance: “The German Sustainability Award for Voltfang shows that sustainability must be considered in all its multidimensionality. Our work not only protects the environment, but also strengthens the German economy. A functioning circular economy creates jobs, conserves important resources and reduces dependency on imports.”

Driving the energy transformation

Roman Alberti, founder and Managing Director of Voltfang, adds: “The biggest challenge for us was to develop an innovative solution from a supposed residual product of the automotive industry that drives the energy transition forward. In order to be able to use lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles in stationary operation after their first life cycle, we have developed our own testing system with comprehensive tests and data analyses. This advanced system guarantees the longevity and safety of our storage systems.”
The discarded and overproduced batteries have an average capacity of 90% and are ideally suited for use in stationary storage systems, which make a key contribution to the sustainable energy transition. In spring 2024, Voltfang published its impact report on the topic of “Resilient Europe through green battery storage”. Last year, Voltfang was able to save almost 200 tons of CO2 equivalents and more than 270 tons of critical raw materials by producing green storage solutions from 2nd-life batteries and new-life batteries. Voltfang also places a strong focus on local production in order to strengthen the regional economy. Around 93% of the storage components come from Europe, 16% of them directly from Aachen.
(Source: Voltfang)

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