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thyssenkrupp Materials Services recognized as a Top Employer 2024

thyssenkrupp Materials Services has been certified as a Top Employer 2024 in Germany. This means that the company, with all its German subsidiaries, is one of the best employers in the country.

von | 01.10.24

Dr. Marc Schlette, CHRO and Labor Director of thyssenkrupp Materials Services (Source: thyssenkrupp Materials Services)
Dr. Marc Schlette, CHRO and Labor Director of thyssenkrupp Materials Services (Source: thyssenkrupp Materials Services)

The award was preceded by an extensive audit of the company’s human resources processes, policies and practices by the Top Employer Institute. As one of the world’s leading mill-independent materials distributors and service providers, thyssenkrupp Materials Services is one of 173 German employers to receive the award this year.

thyssenkrupp Materials Services particularly impressed the jury in the areas of employer brand, talent
acquisition, well-being, ethics and integrity, sustainability, and employee feedback. The company
achieved full marks in the ethics and integrity category, among other things, thanks to the consistent
implementation of the Code of Conduct and the early piloting of an ethics framework for the use of
artificial intelligence.

“We are very proud of this Top Employer award. It shows that our human resources work is also recognized by external parties and confirms what we learn from our annual employee survey: Our corporate culture, diverse career opportunities and comprehensive occupational health and safety are what particularly distinguish us as an employer. We want to continue offering our employees good working conditions in the future. They are the basis for our company’s success and that of our customers,” says Dr. Marc Schlette, CHRO and Labor Director of thyssenkrupp Materials Services.

Human ressources strategy

The company’s HR strategy is based on a wide range of measures for more than 6,500 employees in
office and production in Germany. These include various development programs, for example in the
areas of health, talent management and diversity. The company also supports a healthy work-life
balance and offers modern working time models. With this individual offer, thyssenkrupp Materials
Services succeeds in creating an attractive environment for its employees and supporting them in their
personal needs.

The Top Employers Institute has been rating companies worldwide for 30 years in terms of their
attractiveness as employers. The rating is based on six defined HR areas with around 20 topics. A comprehensive questionnaire enables an objective comparison of the companies. More than 2,300
employers in 121 countries on five continents have already been recognized in the audit.

(Source: thyssenkrupp)

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