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thyssenkrupp Materials Services Invests in Sustainable Drives

Vegetable oil instead of diesel: thyssenkrupp Materials Services has taken a further step in the area of alternative drive systems and invested in three HVO-powered (hydrotreated vegetable oil) trucks in the UK.

von | 17.06.24

© thyssenkrupp Materials UK
© thyssenkrupp Materials UK
thyssenkrupp Materials Services UK

June 2024 | Vegetable oil instead of diesel: thyssenkrupp Materials Services has taken a further step in the area of alternative drive systems and invested in three HVO-powered (hydrotreated vegetable oil) trucks in the UK.

The subsidiary thyssenkrupp Materials UK has already put one of the Mercedes-Benz trucks into operation, with two more to follow at the end of the year. The move is part of the sustainability activities of the materials distribution and service provider, which has set itself the goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2030.

Billy Kingsbury, CEO of thyssenkrupp Materials UK, says: “We are constantly looking at how we can reduce our emissions. As a logistics service provider, our means of transportation are an important starting point. We have looked at various alternative fuel sources and found a promising solution in HVO, which not only significantly reduces our Scope 1 emissions, but also offers economic benefits. The aim is to gradually convert the entire logistics fleet to HVO.”

HVO fuel is made entirely from renewable raw materials and is therefore an environmentally friendly option that has a carbon footprint that is up to 95% lower than conventional diesel fuel. Its biodegradability and shelf life of up to ten years ensure long-term sustainability and a low environmental impact. In addition, the fuel works as a direct replacement for conventional diesel and does not require any adjustments to the engine, which ensures easy integration. At the same time, AdBlue consumption is reduced by 10% and fuel consumption is reduced, which increases operating efficiency.

Further testing of alternative drives

At thyssenkrupp Materials Services, the feasibility of further alternative drive systems is being intensively examined and tested both in Europe and North America. Since the beginning of the year, for example, the subsidiary thyssenkrupp Plastics in Germany has been delivering with hydrogen-powered trucks. Another company, thyssenkrupp Schulte, is set to follow this year. In North America, a pilot project for the use of regenerative biogas is also currently underway for the company’s own fleet, which represents an attractive alternative due to its availability and infrastructure.

thyssenkrupp Materials UK offers a vast range of products and a wealth of experience in sourcing and supplying products such as stainless steel, aluminum and mild steel. The company also provides a range of services, whether that’s fully welded and fabricated finished parts or bespoke flat products cut to exact sizes. To help reduce inventory and costs, the company specializes in supply chain management and logistics solutions. Committed to sustainability and innovation, thyssenkrupp Materials UK strives to deliver value while minimizing environmental impact.


More information at thyssenkrupp UK


About thyssenkrupp Materials Services

thyssenkrupp Materials Services is a leading mill-independent materials distribution and service provider with around 380 locations – including around 270 warehouse sites – in more than 30 countries. In the 2022/23 fiscal year, the company generated sales of € 13.6 billion and earnings of € 178 million. As part of its strategic development “Materials as a Service”, the company is focusing on the supply of raw materials and materials as well as products and services in the area of supply chain management. From 2030 on, Materials Services will operate on a climate-neutral basis.


(Source: thyssenkrupp/2024)

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