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Swiss Steel Group presents further optimized hot-work tool steels with the E 40 K

The Swiss Steel Group, a supplier of special steels, is introducing new hot-work tool steels (E 40 K) that have been specially developed for high-performance die casting molds. These innovative materials not only offer improved resistance to thermally induced cracking, but also significant cost benefits through longer service life and reduced maintenance intervals. The Swiss Steel Group is setting new standards with the E 40 K, particularly in the automotive sector and other industries with high demands on precision and efficiency.

von | 10.12.24

New hot-work tool steel, E 40 K by Swiss Steel Group (Source: Swiss Steel Group)
New hot-work tool steel, E 40 K by Swiss Steel Group (Source: Swiss Steel Group)

In the die casting process, metals are poured into molds under high pressure. This process generates extreme stresses due to cyclical temperature changes, which often lead to thermal stresses and surface cracks. These cracks not only impair the quality of the manufactured components, but also reduce the service life of the molds, resulting in expensive tool changes and production downtimes.

Particularly in the automotive industry, where complex and large-format die-cast parts are required, the demands on materials are increasing in order to ensure the reliability and efficiency of production.

Innovative material solutions: Focus on crack resistance and high-temperature strength

The new E 40 K hot-work tool steels from the Swiss Steel Group are characterized by a carefully balanced combination of high-temperature strength and toughness. These properties minimize the formation of cracks and significantly slow down their propagation.

Scientific tests show that the new steels (E 40 K) have a significantly higher yield strength and tensile strength than conventional materials such as 2343, 2344 or 2367 at temperatures of 550 °C to 650 °C. This makes these alloys particularly suitable for high-temperature applications where high load-bearing capacity and wear resistance are crucial.

Experimental validation: Outstanding hot tear resistance

The E 40 K was subjected to intensive tests in simulated temperature cycling tests. The samples were heated to 650 °C and then quenched in water to simulate real production conditions.

After 8,000 cycles, the new steels showed an average crack depth of 10 mm less than conventional materials. Microscopic analyses confirmed the slower crack propagation, which underlines the technical superiority of the new materials.

Practical experience: Improved service life and cost efficiency

The advantages of the new materials were impressively confirmed in field tests:

  1. car keys made of Zamak alloy in Brazil: the service life of the molds was increased from 300,000 to 700,000 cycles, which corresponds to an increase in productivity of 233%.
  2. automotive water pumps: instead of 100,000 cycles with conventional materials, the new materials achieved 150,000 cycles, an improvement of over 50%.
  3. street light modules: A customer in the lighting industry was able to achieve the targeted 200,000 cycles for the first time, whereas previous materials failed at around 130,000 cycles.

Efficiency and reliability for demanding applications

With its optimized hot-work tool steels, the Swiss Steel Group offers a solution that extends the service life of die casting moulds, keeps surface quality stable and reduces operating costs at the same time. These properties help to reduce maintenance intervals and increase the efficiency of industrial production. This product is also available in Green Steel quality.

The Swiss Steel Group is thus underpinning its position as an innovative partner for high-performance production and is meeting the challenges of modern industry with forward-looking, sustainable material solutions.

(Source: Swiss Steel Group)

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