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SMS group: Developing young talents and driving innovation

July 2024 | In 2023, SMS group launched its first global trainee program, piloting in the Long Products department. This program shows commitment to developing young talents and driving innovation, which are critical to maintaining the leadership in the metals industry.

von | 10.07.24

SMS group trainees
© SMS group
SMS group trainees

In 2023, SMS group launched its first global trainee program, piloting in the Long Products department. This program shows commitment to developing young talents and driving innovation, which are critical to maintaining the leadership in the metals industry.

In August 2023, 13 trainees from Italy, India, China, and Germany joined SMS, starting a journey that develops innovative-thinking and problem-solving.

A key component of this trainee program is the innovation training, which began in September 2023. This training was structured around three separate project challenges:

  • Innovate to reduce noise levels in the plants
  • Find innovative ways to recover energy (heat) during the hot rolling process
  • Innovate to reduce water consumption in the plants

Each project has been assigned to a trainee team with the intention of tackling challenges and finding suitable solutions. There were no further specifications regarding the type of plant, allowing for creative and wide-ranging solutions.

The innovation training concluded last week with a “Shark Tank”-style pitch session, where trainees presented their ideas to SMS experts. The successful pitches led to one team joining ongoing sales projects and another continuing with experts.

This training not only enhanced the trainees’ skills but also demonstrated the commitment of SMS group to developing future leaders capable of driving innovation in a rapidly evolving industry. Throughout the program, trainees worked independently and collaboratively, leveraging the expertise of SMS colleagues and enhancing their entrepreneurial mindsets.


(Source: SMS group/2024)

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