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Schmiedewerke Gröditz and Edelstahlwerk Kind & Co. join forces to cooperate on very large, undivided aluminium die-casting tools

GMH Gruppe heavyweights Schmiedewerke Gröditz GmbH and Kind & Co., Edelstahlwerk, GmbH & Co. KG, have combined their strengths in a pioneering partnership. Together, they are setting new standards for customers in the aluminium die-casting industry and delivering solutions that not only impress with their precision, but also with their sustainability. Just how well the two partners complement each other in many respects can be seen in a very large die-casting mould project.

von | 03.02.25

Source: GMH
(Source: GMH)

The centrepiece of the project, a die-casting tool with a total weight of 30 tonnes, makes an impression, not only with its dimensions, but also with its high-precision workmanship. Schmiedewerke Gröditz manufactures the large mould inserts using the upsetting/reverse forging process – with individual weights of 8.3 and 9.6 tonnes. At the same time, Kind & Co. supplies the smaller mould inserts with a precise fit and ensures the final hardening treatment of all inserts in a state-of-the-art vacuum furnace. This process guarantees maximum durability and outstanding performance from the moulded parts.

The collaboration also includes the expertise of a renowned German mould maker, which is responsible for designing the mould, and an international die-casting manufacturer, which is responsible for production. The result: an end-to-end process chain that combines quality and efficiency and offers pioneering solutions for the automotive sector.

The first fruits of integration

Since September last year, Kind & Co. has been part of the GMH Gruppe, which Schmiedewerke Gröditz has belonged to for more than 25 years. This integration enables both companies to optimally dovetail their expertise and jointly offer innovative solutions. The current project is one of the first to result from this close co-operation. It demonstrates impressively how synergies within the GMH Gruppe can be utilised as added value for customers.

“The integration of Kind & Co. into GMH Gruppe was an important step in further expanding our position as the third largest forging group in Europe. This project shows how integration and collaboration can promote innovation and set new standards”, emphasises      Dr Alexander Becker, CEO of GMH Gruppe. “Together, we offer our customers solutions that impress — through quality, sustainability and cost-effectiveness”.

Sustainability as a guiding principle

In addition to technical excellence, sustainability is at the centre of the cooperation. GMH Gruppe relies on resource-saving production processes: The primary material is melted from recycled steel scrap in electric arc furnaces, which reduces CO₂ emissions fivefold compared to conventional blast furnace processes. In addition, the material cycle is closed by recycling the moulds at the end of their useful life.

“The collaboration between Schmiedewerke Gröditz and Kind & Co. enables us not only to fulfil our customers’ requirements, but to exceed them. Together, we create products that set top standards in terms of both quality and sustainability”, emphasises Il-Kyu Lee, Managing Director of Schmiedewerke Gröditz GmbH. Dr Martin Löwendick, Managing Director of Edelstahlwerk Kind & Co., adds: “Our focus on precise technology and sustainable processes makes us a strong partner for innovative vehicle components, among other things. We are proud to be part of this development”.

Shaping the future, today

With their shared vision and technical expertise, Schmiedewerke Gröditz and Kind & Co. are setting a new standard for the aluminium die-casting industry. Their cooperation shows how innovative technologies and sustainable processes are shaping the future of automotive production.

(Source: GMH)

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