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Record order – thyssenkrupp Marine Systems granted order expansion in the 212CD program

On the 18th of Decembre, the German Bundestag and the Federal Government voted by a majority in favour of the procurement of the option boats in the German-Norwegian submarine program. thyssenkrupp Marine Systems is thus receiving with this comprehensive order expansion in the current 212CD program one of the largest orders in the recent history of the company.

von | 02.01.25

212CD submarine in front of the shipbuilding hall at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems in Kiel (Source: thyssenkrupp)
212CD submarine in front of the shipbuilding hall at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems in Kiel (Source: thyssenkrupp)

The President of the Bundeswehr Procurement Agency, Annette Lehnigk-Emden, and CEO Oliver Burkhard officially signed the contract in Koblenz on the basis of the parliamentary approval. An order of this size will involve advance payments that will have a positive impact on cash flow in the current financial year and will be used accordingly for the milestones of the order.

Norway has also already signalled its intention to increase the number of submarines on order. Oliver Burkhard emphasized the importance of the German contract extension: “The turning point in history is finally arriving in the maritime sector. We are delighted at the trust that the German government has once again placed in us with the additional order for the world’s most modern conventional submarine. We are making a decisive contribution to the changing times and strengthening the defence capabilities with this strategically important project between Germany and Norway.”

212CD submarines

As a new generation, the Type 212CD submarines go far beyond the current 212A boats. With advanced capabilities for situational awareness, enhanced networking with allied units and a reduced signature, the new submarines not only place increased demands on production due to their size, but also require state-of-the-art production lines for the outfitting with high-tech systems. Furthermore, thyssenkrupp Marine Systems is ensuring synergies for the operation, logistics and international maintenance of the 212CD submarines, which was also underlined by the laying of the foundation stone for new service yard capacities in Norway. In this way, thyssenkrupp Marine Systems is also helping to consolidate its partnership with Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KDA), which has existed since 2017, and to expand its industrial partnerships in Norway and Germany.

thyssenkrupp Marine Systems has made several advance investments for this production line in particular. For example, more than € 250 million has been invested in the Kiel location alone since 2019 to create further production capacities for the German-Norwegian submarine program with the construction of a new shipbuilding hall. Moreover, thyssenkrupp Marine Systems acquired additional shipyard capacity at the former MV WERFTEN site in Wismar, in order to be able to build submarines and surface vessels there at the same time. The expansion of orders contributes directly to strengthening and creating jobs in Wismar.

“We are leading the way as an industry. With our locations, capacities and expertise, we are excellently positioned as an autonomous and independent maritime powerhouse. Our order books are well filled. We are strongly positioned in the national and international competition,” Oliver Burkhard continued.

Positive financial year

In addition to this major order, thyssenkrupp Marine Systems also underpinned its reliability and presence in the market with positive figures for the past financial year, the most successful year in the company’s history. A look at the current projects makes it clear that the ongoing production of the existing 212CD submarines for Germany and Norway is on schedule. The delivery of a MEKO® A-200 frigate to Egypt, the naming of the submarine “Inimitable” for Singapore, the naming of the first Tamandaré frigate and the keel-laying of the second ship of this class at the shipyard in Brazil further underline the successes of the past financial year.

Oliver Burkhard: “With the expansion of the 212CD order, other countries could join this project in the near future. Our strong position has now become even stronger. We are well on the way to achieving our goal of independence.”

(Source: thyssenkrupp)

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