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New Danieli Centro Tube ERW tube mills in Mexico

Achv Aceros relies on Danieli technology for Electrical Resistance Welded tubes and has now awarded them a contract for two ERW tube mills for its new facilities.

von | 20.08.24

Achv Aceros has awarded Danieli Centro Tubes a contract for two modern ERW tube mills (Source: Danieli)
Achv Aceros has awarded Danieli Centro Tubes a contract for two modern ERW tube mills (Source: Danieli)

Achv Aceros has awarded Danieli Centro Tubes a contract for two modern ERW tube mills for its new facilities in Monterrey, Mexico.

The new mills will produce welded structural tubes with yield strength up to 800 Mpa in a OD ranging from 19 to 193 mm (3/4 inch to 7 9/16 inch), and equivalent square and rectangular sections, with wall thicknesses up to 7.3 mm (0.287 inch) at speeds up to 140 m/min (460 fpm). The new ERW mills will feature automatic coil loading, on-line metallization, eddy current testing, tube stenciling, quick-change mill system, bundle packaging lines and full automation system. The mills will be installed in a new facility in the western part of Monterrey and will produce tubes to be commercialized in Mexico through the well-established commercial network of Achv Aceros. The new mills will operate through a Danieli Automation L1 system.

The start-up of the two Electrical Resistance Welding mills is foreseen by end of 2025.

Other tube and pipe processing technologies by Danieli Centro Tube

Danieli Centro Tube provides a wide range of tube and pipe processing technologies:

  • seamless plants
  • ERW plants
  • CRA plants
  • including reheating and heat-treating systems
  • electrics and automation
(Source: Danieli Centro Tube)

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