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More room for apprentices: thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems opens new training center in Oberhausen Neue Mitte

On Wednesday, September 25, thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems inaugurated its new training center.

von | 27.09.24

New apprentices at the new training center in Oberhausen (Source: thyssenkrupp MillServices Systems)
New apprentices at the new training center in Oberhausen (Source: thyssenkrupp MillServices Systems)

The new 800 square meter facility in Oberhausen, Germany, offers space for more than 40 apprentices. As part of the celebrations, the Unternehmerverband, a German employers’ association, honored thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems for its special achievements in training.

The training center and welding shop of thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems, a leading provider of industrial services, has moved from its previous location on Hagelkreuzstraße to the former Air Liquide site on Lipperfeld in Oberhausen, Germany. The move, which included an expansion of the workshop, was necessary because the number of apprentices at the company has more than doubled in recent years. This year alone, 30 new apprentices joined the existing 57 in August and September. After a fivemonth renovation phase of the new premises and the purchase of new lathes and milling machines, the entire 18-month basic training course for construction and industrial mechanics can now take place in one place before the apprentices move on to the company modules. This means that thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems is no longer dependent on an external training partner, but can now carry out the entire training itself.

Marc Schlette, CHRO of thyssenkrupp Materials Services and responsible for thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems, emphasizes: “We are proud to be able to offer our apprentices a state-of-the-art and futureoriented training program. The move to the new training center was a meaningful step to further expand our training opportunities. Training is a high priority at thyssenkrupp Materials Services, because investing in young people means investing in our future.”

Excellent training opportunities

At the opening ceremony for the new site, thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems received a certificate from the German employers’ association for its outstanding achievements in training. The employers’ association praised the company’s modern training facilities, digital learning programs and health days for apprentices.

“The fact that thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems presents itself as an attractive employer with this comprehensive package is demonstrated by the sharp increase in the number of apprentices to almost 90,” said Heike Zeitel, lawyer at the employers’ association and responsible for the regional management in Oberhausen, at the award ceremony. “Every year, our initiative honors companies from our membership that are exemplary in training. We want to make the commitment of these companies visible”.


Michael Pühl, Managing Director of thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems, accepted the award: “I am very pleased that our strong commitment to young people in the region has been recognized. The award is the result of the extraordinary commitment of our trainers, who work daily with our apprentices at eye level. The new training center, with its excellent learning opportunities for apprentices, is an important part of our training strategy”.

thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems GmbH is a leading provider of industrial services. The company is part of the thyssenkrupp group and belongs to the Materials Services segment.

thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems is still looking for apprentices in various professions for 2025. The job offers can be found at the following link: Training opportunities at thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems

(Source: thyssenkrupp)

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