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Intelligent price calculation for blanks: thyssenkrupp Materials Services launches AI solution smart.processing

thyssenkrupp Materials Services has developed an AI platform that digitizes the nesting process – the intelligent placement of blanks on sheet metal – and the pricing process.

von | 07.11.24

(Source: Adobe Stock)
(Source: Adobe Stock)

The new platform is called smart.processing and is integrated into the new online shop of Max Cochius, one of the leading metal distribution provider in Germany.

Thanks to smart.processing, Max Cochius customers can purchase material in any desired free-form 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere. By optimally placing the blanks, smart.processing minimizes material consumption and therefore costs.

From quote to order in just one click

Telephone inquiries as well as manual price calculations for blanks and quotes are still common in materials distribution. The AI platform smart.processing ensures that customers can now get prices for their blanks in seconds and complete the purchase online. The complexity of the shape is no obstacle to the automated price calculation: Any shape is possible, from tubes and sheets to fully personalized free-forms. Customers can upload their technical drawing as a CAD file. Materials can be selected from all metals, from aluminum to stainless steel to copper and brass as well as special materials. In total, over 11,000 semi-finished products are listed in the Max Cochius online shop, all of which are displayed in a moveable 3D model. These can be cut to size using vertical and horizontal sawing as well as waterjet cutting.

The idea for smart.processing was developed as part of a thyssenkrupp hackathon called “hack4tk”. The Digital Technology Office (DTO) of thyssenkrupp Materials Services then took over the development of the platform in collaboration with internal customers. The plan is to introduce smart.processing in other thyssenkrupp companies, further develop the functions and use the intelligent placement of blanks in machine guidance.

As part of thyssenkrupp Materials Services, Max Cochius GmbH is an associated company of thyssenkrupp Schulte GmbH. thyssenkrupp Schulte has been an independent materials partner for many decades. Together with its customers, it has successfully developed and expanded business solutions in Germany. The company stores, delivers and processes suitable materials made of steel, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals. The basis for this is a wide range of flat products, profiles and tubes for all requirements. Competent technical advice and comprehensive services round off the profile of thyssenkrupp Schulte. The company’s promise to “Move Industries for Generations” is both its own ambition and a sustainable promise to be a reliable partner for customers from a wide range of industries, today and in the future.

(Source: thyssenkrupp)

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