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Innovative 5G solutions for Lech-Stahlwerke

At Lech-Stahlwerke, the use of 5G connectivity offers several key advantages in terms of product quality monitoring and predictive asset maintenance in the SBQ (special bar quality) mill.

von | 18.07.24

The collaborative implementation of 5G smart sensor solutions at Lech-Stahlwerke’s SBQ mill is an innovative example of effective product monitoring and asset maintenance practices, Source: SMS Group
© SMS Group
The collaborative implementation of 5G smart sensor solutions at Lech-Stahlwerke’s SBQ mill is an innovative example of effective product monitoring and asset maintenance practices

As the steel industry continues to drive digitalization and innovation, 5G solutions are able to optimize the operating process and foster sustainable growth in the sector. At Lech-Stahlwerke, the use of 5G connectivity offers several key advantages in terms of product quality monitoring and predictive asset maintenance in the SBQ (special bar quality) mill. Firstly, it enables rapid data transmission and analysis, allowing for real-time monitoring and immediate corrective action. This reduces the probability of costly downtimes and ensures smooth production processes, enhancing overall productivity and efficiency.

Lech-Stahlwerke’s partnership with SMS group has spanned many years, marked by continuous modernizations to optimize productivity and efficiency throughout the plant lifecycle. Leveraging 5G-capable smart sensor solutions, Lech-Stahlwerke is now equipped with monitoring systems to enhance product quality control and predictive maintenance in the SBQ mill plant at its Meitingen site in Germany.

Vertical guide roll monitoring at the cooling bed

One of the smart sensor solutions at Lech-Stahlwerke’s SBQ mill is the vertical guide roll monitoring system in the cooling bed. This utilizes 5G connectivity to continuously monitor the rotational speed of the vertical guide rolls, detecting quality issues such as scratches on profiles at an early stage. By implementing a predictive model for early detection, the bearings in the vertical guide rollers can be replaced in a timely manner, thus preventing failures. Lech-Stahlwerke can therefore meet the high quality standards for SBQ that the industry demands.

Karsten Golinske (left) from Lech-Stahlwerke and SMS group’s Wolfgang Scheffel presented the topic at the wire & Tube trade fair

Karsten Golinske (left) from Lech-Stahlwerke and SMS group’s Wolfgang Scheffel presented the topic at the wire & Tube trade fair, Source: Wolfgang Scheffel, SMS group

Universal joint shaft monitoring for predictive maintenance

Another application is the universal joint shaft monitoring in the PSM (precision sizing mill). This system aims to enhance predictive asset maintenance through the installation of inductive monitoring sensors on the Cardan shafts, gathering real-time data on their performance. By analyzing the dynamic behavior of the change in air gaps between the shaft and the sensor, standing waves in the shaft can be detected and a predictive model for early failure detection could be developed. Using this data from predictive models coupled with 5G technology, Lech-Stahlwerke can proactively address potential issues and minimize downtimes caused by equipment failures.

“With predictive maintenance solutions, we can see what is happening very early on. This helps to prevent costly damages, avoid downtimes, and increase productivity.” says Karsten Golinske, Head of Rolling Mills and finishing lines at Lech-Stahlwerke.

Fast and easy implementation of 5G smart sensor technology

Implementing 5G smart sensor solutions at Lech-Stahlwerke’s SBQ mill was a seamless process. SMS group provided twelve inductive sensors for the PSM cardan shafts, which were easily installed by Lech-Stahlwerke’s team. These sensors were then integrated by SMS experts with on-site 5G connectivity using hardware installed in a field cabinet and the data management systems, enabling centralized monitoring and analysis via the DataXpert predictive maintenance platform. This is a cost-efficient and straightforward process for enhancing operations without the need for extensive infrastructure investments.


(Source: Wolfgang Scheffel, SMS group/2024)

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