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Leading Asian Steel Manufacturer Implements Curing System with adphos Technology

With the electrothermal adphos technology, coating, printing, dyeing and impregnation processes can be dried and fixed within seconds. Now the aLITE® drying and curing technology has once again been selected by an Asian steel manufacturer.

von | 08.08.24

adphos aLITE® (source: adphos)
adphos aLITE® (source: adphos)

adphos announces that its drying and curing technology has been chosen by an Asian steel manufacturer to replace their existing hot air convection oven by integrating an aLITE®-dryer. The system is 100% electro-thermal and uses a multi-frequency emitting photonic energy technology.

The key benefits reached by the integration of aLITE® into the existing line are space savings of over 80% and a minimum 66% reduction in energy consumption. The system provides a highly accurate and dynamically controlled coil coating production, which operates fully CO2 emission-free, supporting sustainable manufacturing practices.

The versatile aLITE®-processing technology is suitable for all water-, solvent-, and even powder-based surface coating lines. It can be integrated as an upgrade or replacement in existing coil coating process lines, or implemented as a fully stand-alone, instantaneous (3-5 seconds) drying/curing solution in planed greenfield coating lines.

By adopting the aLITE® Curing System, the Asian steel manufacturer will enhance their production efficiency, reduce operational costs, and significantly minimize their environmental footprint.

(source: adphos)

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Zweite Generation der HIKMICRO-Smartphone-Module Mini2 V2 und Mini2Plus V2
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