Hot rolling mills strive to produce as efficiently as possible. For this reason, hot rolling mills take high production costs into account. High heat losses during the whole hot rolling process play one major role. Heat losses are caused by heat sinks related e.g. to descaling, work roll cooling, cross sprays and conveyer rolls. The seminar gives an overview of proposing solutions that can be implemented with limited efforts in terms of design or process engineering to reduce heat losses and to increase their economic efficiency. They are mandatory for the future perspective to achieve better product quality, to improve work roll performance, to save energy costs and thus, to in-crease economic efficiency in hot rolling of long products.
Reduction of heat losses during hot rolling of long products
24.09.2024 - Ganztägig
online - über TEAMS
Kategorie: Online-Seminar
Terminkategorie: Fachforum
Themen: Metallurgie | Wärmebehandlung

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