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Hydrogen-based transformation of the steel industry

05.11.2024 - 07.11.2024 - Ganztägig

NH Düsseldorf City North


Kategorie: Weiterbildung
Terminkategorie: Fachforum
Themen: Green Steel | Metallurgie | Wasserstoff

▪ Ways to CO2 neutral steel production

▪ Iron ores for (hydrogen-based) direct reduction

▪ Technologies of current direct reduction concepts

▪ Reduction technologies of iron ore fines with hydrogen

▪ Green ironmaking with hydrogen and ammonia

▪ Hydrogen as a challenging atmosphere for refractories

▪ Electric arc furnace technology – AC and DC

▪ Technology of the OBF (Smelter)

▪ Melting of DRI and HBI in the EAF

▪ Future importance of steel scrap

▪ Project SALCOS: Steelmaking route DR – EAF

▪ Project tkH2Steel: Steelmaking route DR – OBF – Converter

▪ Slags of CO2 neutral steel production

▪ Hydrogen production, transport and storage – case study Germany

▪ Green power production and availability

▪ Decarbonisation of downstream processes – H2 burner

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