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Transformers and surveillance devices for heating systems


Publikationsform: Fachartikel
Artikelnummer: 00541_2014_04_05
Ausgabe: 04
Zeitschrift: Transformers and surveillance devices for heating systems
Autor: Stefan Schubotz / Hansjürg Stiele
Verlag: Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Seiten: 1
Publikationsformat: PDF
Sprache: English
Themenbereich: Thermoprozesstechnik


High voltages and currents occur in converters and adjacent components that are used in induction heating devices (e.g. inside the matching transformer). Due to that, extensive safety systems, which are constructed differently depending on the system components, are used for personal and machine protection. In this examination, primarily the construction of an induction heating system is briefly presented and subsequently the different types of protection are discussed. Based on that, a presentation of various safety devices (transformers and monitoring systems), their functionality and the application-specific usage will be done.

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Infos zum Autor/Verfasser/Herausgeber

Stefan Schubotz

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Schubotz

Position: Applikationsingenieur
Firma: EFD Induction GmbH

+49 (0)761 / 8851-174

Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte Umrichterauslegung und Simulation für induktive Erwärmungsprozesse Schnittstellenfunktion zu Umrichterlieferanten Ansprechpartner bei technischen Fragen insbesondere zu Umrichtern Andere Verantwortlichkeiten Schriftleitung ...

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