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UNITECR 2025 Announces Call for Papers

UNITECR 2025, the 19th Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories, is excited to announce the official Call for Papers for next year’s event, inviting experts, researchers, and professionals from across the refractories industry to present their groundbreaking work.

von | 23.09.24

UNITECR 2025 (Source: UNITECR)
UNITECR 2025 (Source: UNITECR)

This edition of UNITECR is being hosted by ALAFAR (Latin American Association of Refractories Manufacturers) and takes place 27-30 October 2025 in Cancun, Mexico.

Mauro Cueva, UNITECR 2025 President (Source: UNITECR)

Mauro Cueva, UNITECR 2025 President (Source: UNITECR)

President of UNITECR 2025, Mauro Cueva, said: “I invite speakers from around the world to grab the wonderful chance we offer to be at the heart of this prestigious forum for the international refractories community. Please become part of our roster for 2025 and take this fantastic opportunity to boost the knowledge base from within your own particular discipline. There will be a dynamic, receptive audience in Cancun, eager to listen, to learn, and to network. We would really love you to be part of this story.”

History and future

In 1987, Tokyo marked the starting point of UNITECR and, since then, this event has seen a remarkable evolution, consolidating its reputation as the most influential forum for refractories. The most recent edition was staged in Frankfurt, hosted by the German Refractory Association, and it featured over 200 speakers and more than 1100 participants in total.

There are plans in Cancun for a wide-ranging program, addressing topic areas such as raw materials (including recycled), monolithics, the application of refractories across a number of key industries, modeling, digitalization, AI/ML, basic science, education, standards and technology transfer.

“We want to help advance the knowledge base from every angle and at every level,” added Mauro Cueva, “and this is where it starts. We look forward to welcoming an impressive cohort of great speakers.”

Further Information

For further information on the Call for Papers, including conference topic tracks and a link to the abstract submissions platform, please visit

All abstracts must be submitted no later than 23:59h GMT-6 on 20 December 2024.

Any prospective contributors who have questions for the UNITECR Scientific Committee can e-mail

(Source: UNITECR)

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