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Tresky Automation strengthens its portfolio with investments in contract manufacturing

Tresky Automation announces the latest addition to its contract manufacturing machinery. Customers will now benefit from a state-of-the-art vacuum brazing furnace and a powerful sintering press with a maximum pressing force of up to 15 kN.

von | 22.11.24

Tresky Automation expands its machine park for contract manufacturing (Source: Tresky)
Tresky Automation expands its machine park for contract manufacturing (Source: Tresky)

The new equipment enables Tresky to offer additional manufacturing technologies, which is particularly beneficial for demanding applications in the fields of photonics, optoelectronics, hybrid bonding, microelectronics and power electronics. The new vacuum brazing furnace offers the possibility to produce material bonding under controlled conditions with nitrogen (N2) or formic acid (HCOOH). This process effectively reduces voids, as the vacuum allows air or process residues to escape during the preheating and melting phase of the solder. The result is virtually void- and flux-free solder joints that are characterized by high reliability.

In addition to vacuum brazing technology, the new sintering press expands Tresky’s range of services in the field of assembly and joining technology. Metallic sintering, in which a solid bond is produced between materials such as silver (Ag) or copper (Cu) under pressure and temperature, is particularly suitable for highly stressable and thermally sensitive applications. particularly suitable for heavy-duty and thermally stable applications. This is particularly advantageous in power electronics and applications with high thermal and mechanical requirements. The sintering press offers a contact pressure of up to 15 kN.

“With these new systems, we are expanding our wide range of manufacturing processes. These investments also underline our commitment to always being at the forefront of technological developments and providing our customers with the best possible solutions for their individual requirements,” explains Daniel Schultze, Managing Director of Tresky GmbH in Henningsdorf near Berlin.

(Source: Tresky)

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