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ON2Quest and Outokumpu are piloting hydrogen recovery system in stainless steel production plant

Outokumpu, a global leader in sustainable stainless steel, and ON2Quest, an innovator in the field of industrial gas purification and generation, are piloting a cutting-edge gas recovery system that will enable the recovery of hydrogen from their production processes.

von | 17.09.24

Industrial gas system with process piping and equipment (source: Outokumpu)

The collaboration between Outokumpu and ON2Quest aims to enhance sustainable operational efficiency by integrating hydrogen recovery into the stainless steel production cycle at Outokumpu’s production plant in Krefeld, Germany.

The gas recovery system is designed and engineered according to the requirements of Outokumpu to recover hydrogen – a by-product of the stainless steel manufacturing process – where the gas will undergo a rigorous cleaning and compression process to ensure that it will be suitable for use again. The purified hydrogen will then be blended with natural gas, creating a hybrid fuel that will be used to power the burners. This innovative approach not only reduces waste and optimises resource utilisation but also supports their ecological commitment by lowering carbon emissions associated with the production processes.

“Outokumpu and ON2Quest have joined forces for a research and development trial to study the purification and reuse potential of utilized hydrogen from the protective gas atmosphere of the bright annealing process at our Krefeld production site. The purified, filtered hydrogen should then be used as an alternative fuel in the furnace of the bright annealing plant. This could lead to a reduction of the natural gas consumption of the bright annealing process in our plant and, at the same time, reduce the CO2 footprint in stainless steel production processes,” said Kristina Reichelt, VP Operations at Outokumpu Nirosta GmbH in Krefeld, Germany.


“By combining our expertise in gas recovery, system design and engineering, and Outokumpu’s drive for sustainable innovation, we are confident that this will result in a highly efficient and environmentally friendly solution,” said Dr. Ellart de Wit, Chief Technology Officer of ON2Quest. “This is a testament to both companies’ dedication to advancing industrial practices and reducing environmental impact.”


“The collaboration with ON2Quest allows us to leverage their engineering skillset to create a system that aligns with both our carbon footprint and energy efficiency goals. The recovery and reuse of hydrogen not only improve our operational efficiency but also contribute significantly to our environmental objectives. This marks a critical milestone on our journey to accelerating the green transition towards more sustainable manufacturing practices,” according to Reichelt.

(Source: Outokumpu)

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