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Metso to start change negotiations on possible temporary layoffs

To adjust the aggregates equipment production volumes to the lower demand, Metso will start union negotiations on temporary layoffs in the Tampere crushing equipment plant organization.

von | 02.09.24

(Source: AdobeStock)
(Source: AdobeStock)

Metso, which offers a range of products and services in the aggregates, minerals processing and metals refining industries, started negotiations on possible temporary layoffs of up to 90 days in the Aggregates business area in Finland.

The order backlog at Metso’s Aggregates Tampere plant is low, and finished product inventories are at a high level. The autumn is typically a slower season for the aggregates business, so no rapid demand improvement is expected before year-end. Additionally, demand for mobile equipment has been low globally, and the distributors’ high inventory levels in North America are impacting the need for new machines. Therefore, the company needs to adjust its capacity to the temporary decrease in workload and to achieve cost savings.

Basis for negotiation

To adjust the aggregates equipment production volumes to the lower demand, Metso will start union negotiations on temporary layoffs in the Tampere crushing equipment plant organization. The negotiations will also cover all other functions and personnel groups of the aggregates business in Finland. In total, approximately 560 people are in the negotiation scope. The potential need for layoffs is up to 90 days, and the layoffs would be implemented during the end of 2024 and spring 2025.

The negotiations will cover the grounds, impacts, and alternatives of the possible measures. The negotiation period is at least two weeks after the negotiation proposal has been given, unless otherwise agreed during the negotiations. Decisions on possible layoffs will be made soon once the negotiations are concluded.

The extent and duration of the layoffs will depend on the development of order volumes and the respective impact on the individuals’ and departments’ workloads, as well as on the need to adjust operations and costs. Possible layoffs may affect all personnel and personnel groups involved in the negotiations.

(Source: Metso)

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