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Marcegaglia’s Partnership with Primetals Technologies to Result in Significant Productivity Improvements

UK-based Marcegaglia Stainless Sheffield has partnered with Primetals Technologies to optimise production processes at its processes at its Sheffield minimill.

von | 23.12.24

Marcegaglia will equip all the production units of the minimill meltshop in Sheffield with automation systems from Primetals Technologies.

The modernisation project aims to double the plant’s annual production capacity from annual production capacity from 250,000 to 500,000 tonnes. Several intralogistics systems, process optimisation solutions, technology packages and intelligent sensor systems will be installed in all production units of the in all production units of the melt shop, scrap yard and ladle tracking system.

Tailored to Marcegaglia’s needs

The project is tailored to Marcegaglia’s specific requirements and is based on a recent Through-Process Optimisation (TPO) study carried out by Primetals Technologies. The TPO assessment provided Marcegaglia a comprehensive analysis of the steelmaking plant, identifying bottlenecks and outlining potential and outlined potential improvements. A key outcome of the assessment, the improvement roadmap, highlights recommended actions to achieve a streamlined implementation process.

The TPO study was a key factor in Marcegaglia’s decision to select Primetals Technologies for this extensive automation upgrade and the recently awarded electric arc furnace upgrade project.

As a first step, Primetals Technologies will install Melt Expert, a fully automated electrode control system for for electric arc and ladle furnaces. Medium term plans include the implementation of process optimisation software (Level 2) for the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), Argon Oxygen Decarburisation (AOD) and Ladle Furnace (LF) plants.
furnaces (LF), all of which are currently missing from the automation landscape. Long-term plans include the replacement of the electric arc furnace to accommodate future productivity increases.

A Relationship Beyond System installation

“Marcegaglia chose Primetals Technologies not only for its technical expertise, but also for its commitment to fostering a long-term partnership. This relationship goes beyond system installation to ongoing system updates and development,”

said Tom Eades, Engineering Manager at Marcegaglia. The ultimate goal is to increase productivity, which will require the introduction of an additional production shift. New personnel will be able to gain the knowledge necessary to run a production unit efficiently through Primetals Technologies’ new process optimisation systems, which provide digitised knowledge, recommended actions and training for operators. Marcegaglia intends to start using the standard knowledge rules included in all systems, with modifications adapted to operators’ best practices as part of the planned service contract.

Comprehensive range of solutions

The Scrap Yard Supervisor calculates cost-optimised scrap recipes, visualises process information and tracks the loading process. Intelligent sensors, such as the Scrap Basket Profile Monitor, monitor specific process steps, identify deviations from standard operating conditions and notify the operator. The EAF Optimizer, AOD Optimizer and LF Optimizer process optimisation solutions provide dynamic process control for improved product quality, advanced metallurgical models to meet production-related quality criteria, and detailed calculations of input materials to reduce costs. Ladle Tracker suggests the most appropriate ladle for the upcoming batch, eliminating quality loss caused by caused by residues from previous batches.

Long Stainless Steel of High Quality

Marcegaglia Stainless Sheffield is a global manufacturer of stainless steel long products. The company is renowned for its ability to supply reliable, high quality products in a wide range of grades, shapes and sizes. and sizes. Its stainless steel is a sustainable material with over 90% recycled content. Products are melted in Europe using energy sources and raw materials that provide Marcegaglia Stainless’s customers with a with a carbon footprint lower than the industry average.

(Source: Primetals)

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